No, it means you put it on top of your lap?
More like a composite word: lap + top.
Yes it's from the latin Laptipidus- Topucti It's a composite word
It's actually an acronym for the original project whose goal it was to design it: LAPTOP Lightweight Analytical Platform Total Optimized Power If you believe that, I have some "high quality" mortgage bonds you might be interested in buying.
Oooo, ....I'll swap you my lake front property for your bonds.
Without all the scientific opinions it is a small computer you usually have on you lap.
Not that I know of
It's a portmanteau.
Not unless "lap" and "top" are also abbreviations. You use it on top of your laptop. Hence, "laptop." A hilltop is the top of a hill, a desktop is used on top of a desk, a river bottom is the bottom a river, and a bell bottom is a pair of pants from the 70s.
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