• probably. i used the word "cerebral" in an answer and got downrated, i'm guessing because the person didn't know what it meant. if it's not available in 'internet-shorthand', i'm guessing that some people won't know what the word means anymore, and that is a sad state to find yourself in.
  • beacuse people may not understand them,thus not answer them
  • I don't know, sm00z. Didn't we already have this discussion awhile ago? Or maybe this is deja vu..if so, sorry! :) ((hugs))
  • They only scare me away if they are spelled completely wrong :)
  • Mostly because big words scare most people. Personally I am attracted to such questions because I too have this habit of using" big words" and even if i do not know a word I am always curious enough to find its meaning and add it to my lexicon. :) {I couldn't resist that}
  • I could see a few situations where people might use big words. 1. when someone's seeking the advice of experts who might know something about the topic, 2. when someone doesn't understand what he or she is asking but have heard others use the term in conjunction with it, 3. if he person knows a lot of words and forgets or doesn't realize that others don't know the same things, or 4. if the person is just trying to show-off or belittle others. There may be other reasons, but these were the ones that came to mind quickly. ADDED: I just realized that I never answered the question, but to answer the question, when people don't understand words, they won't know how to answer it (without spending the effort to look it up); and, when there are many other questions with words that they don't have to search the meaning of, they're more likely to answer those.
  • Because they probably feel that they aren't going to be able to just answer it and be left alone, they are scared to be questioned about their answer and get all hung up on some serious topic rather than just go answer some fun questions:)
  • Come on, Smooz. Most of these yutzes in here haven't even passed basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You're gonna start throwing 8+ letter words at them?;)
  • 89 cent words (what I call them) intimidate people. No one likes to appear less educated then the one they are talking to.
  • Maybe they may think that the person is looking for a well detailed account to their question and maybe they cant provide the correct answer :)
  • I would personally rather answer a questions with "big words" than text lingo. But, maybe some people are afraid to actually use real words anymore because it may take a full second longer to read it and type it.
  • Spite?
  • because they have no friggin clue what your talking about and feel very stupid
  • i dont get scared by them, i use them a lot in everyday conversations.:)
  • It is because many people don't know or understand what they mean. It can happen quite often to people like me who use scientific language and do not notice I should not use it in a Q&A site. If it has been my case I am sorry I will be very careful in future. Best regards.
  • As said before, many might not understand or even be able to pronounce the elongated, er, big words. Also, those who use big words flippantly tend to be quite intelligent and/or vain, and whoever cannot understand or even pronounce a word that only used in the question will be intimidated and wonder how much help they can really be by answering. Then again, MANY overestimate themselves and even though they can say big words and even spell them, typing them out has proven to be quite difficult for some, which makes such instances incredibly comedic for dumb people like us!
  • It has me flabbergasted.
  • I wouldn't do it intentionally, I read alot so some of the words that make sense to me may not be understood by others. I try to keep it short and sweet when I ask :)

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