I think so. Or perhaps a really big smile. :+)
It means they have a well developed dewlap.
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It means Jay Leno chin.
I guess it's to emphasize on the general smiley icon...but like, being REALLY happy. But actually, I think it looks like a stack of chocolate chip cookies.
I use that... when I want to portray a great big smile or lots of smiles :))))))))))
It's either a smile from a creature with 7 mouths or a vibrating smile. :p
Teeth falling out?
That would be a REALLY big grin...bigger than this even :D
Quintuple chin. Means person needs to spend more time exercising. It is actually who you are chatting with when you have cyber sex.
The person stutters yo?...
Maybe it is like a smile deposit. The person will not be obligated to give you smiles for the next 6 or 7 interactions. :)
They like you! They really like you!!;)
BIG smile?
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