East would win. More guns and population.
The Eastside would win. The east is just plain tougher. All the hippies and artists went west. The cowboys can't carry the whole thing alone.
WE$T side! As long as the people from Oregon dont mess it up for us.... lol j/k I laughed so hard at the hippie, artist, and cowboys comment. that is totally bogus. I don't know how people are out on the east coast. but I dont make an effort to lump them into "types". I've only been to Massachusetts 2 times. Perhaps the grass is greener on the other coast. But I love it here in San Diego.
The West. Megan said so.
The west, for they invented quick draw shooting and they have all of Hollywood's pyrotechnics!
East. West is probably cooler, but much more laid back. Nothing like a bunch of intense Northerners to control the situation - LOL!
I'm from the west cost, but I'm going to say the east cost would win. They have Jersey and New York, not to mention all the politicians in D.C. that would spin all the publicity to sound like they won either way. :)
Probably the west, although if the west made to the east coast it would have a very difficult time. Although if there is to be a civil war it will be betweem Liberals and Conservatives and the victor would be call it.
Woah, woah, woah.. what about all of us right in the middle? You think we're going to let the left and right coast fight on our land? You're CRAZY. Y'all will have to go around, either to the north or south, and fight it out in Mexico or Canada. You have to remember, us lightly populated states in the middle ALWAYS have a huntin season!
The East would win, of course. We have everything that matters, including me.
East. Because me and my magical powers live there.
Our enemies.
Canada and Mexico. They will unite, occupy the US territory and make everyone play hockey and eat rice and beans.
Actually the midwesterns would stop the other two from blowing them up. Otherwise the east would win.
Well, if the old hippies could hire the gangs to fight for them, the West Coast might have a little bit of a chance.....
if there was another civil war it wouldnt be east and west, it would be civilians and the government.
The West will win 49-21 in the 3 quarter.
WOW!!! that is interesting me. East states would win the war because East has more guns and population. I don't want to see another bloody civil war since 1861.
East, definately. Everyone from San Franciso would be putting flowers in rifle barrels, smoking dope and protesting the western recruiting stations.
americans wouldn't survive an east vs. west civil war... we'd be so crazy and angry... we'd nuke eachother =)
Well, lemme see: the East still has the South as part of it and they still want slavery, wave the Confederate flag as a badge of honor, have more Baptist churchs than schools and more liquor stores than mega church which survive fine albeit the Blue Laws, they also homeschool their children, place disclaimer stickers on science books in school and their troops will probably be commanded by the Reverend Creflo Dollar in his Rolls Royce so...yeah, it looks better and better for the West actually...
Never heard of the unbeatable west-coast offense? Oh wait, that's football... Alas, if this country ever came to blows with itself, there could be no winner.
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