• I have them all I like them all but I use yahoo more than I do the others. I love the drag and drop for the photos, on aim I like the direct connect too when sending photos. I guess its a preference thing which one you prefer to use.
  • In my opinion yahoo is better for meeting people, and msn and aim are better for talking to people you already know.
  • I use Yahoo. If you want to bother me, put x_ray_dot on your messenger list. Just don't ask me to get naked on webcam. LOL
  • I use them all, but through a third party interface called Trillian that links them all into one window. This way I can talk to anyone on any service while running a single window. A lot less confusing than having multiple interfaces, but it does use quite a bit more memory, because the original services still run in the background. I love it. They have a free version here: There are some specific options native to certain IM's that will not work through Trillian, but if you want to text, voice message, or video message, you can do it through Trillian (Video can be a little tricky to set up with sme services, but it can be done. They have a great user forum for help with the free version, and their support for the paid version ($30) is great. No, I do not work for them, or sell it. I'm just a satisfied customer who believes in the product.
  • i used yahoo..and i think its the best becuz of all the features it has
  • I use Trillian to compile all my messenger accounts, except for Gmail Chat. For that I have to be logged in to my Gmail account and keep that in an open (can be minimized) window.
  • I use MSN. It's or
  • I use Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, and Skype. I like Messenger best, because most of my friends and family are on it.
  • MSN Messenger to talk to freinds
  • i use aim i think it is the best cuz i also have yahoo
  • I have yahoo messenger and it works good, aren't they all about the same? besides all my friends new and old are on there.....Do you wanna be my friend?
  • I used to use Yahoo...I enjoyed it because it was easy and provided launch radio at the bottom
  • i use all of them. I use AIm teh most but I personally think MSN is the bestest. It is more organized and is newer. Very up to date.
  • yahoo, because that's what all my friends use.
  • ymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymym get it? ymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymym
  • I use AIM and Yahoo...because for some reason msn just stopped working on my computer..i like msn the best though.
  • My preference is Yahoo Messenger. I started out with ICQ, then to Yahoo, I use MSN so have used MSN Messenger and have used AIM too. Reason: More people on Yahoo Messenger than others. AIM due to AOL's downward turn may not have many users; MSN Messenger requires you (or at least me) too be signed onto MSN, which i may not always want to do. Also, any of the 4 i can use from my cell phone but primarily use YAHOO Messenger.
  • yahoo because i can go invisible
  • I use Yahoo every night. I've used MSN but didn't like it much.

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