yeah, which is kind of unusual. but we were going to have a barbecue with some friends so we bought a couple 6-packs, they ended up canceling, I had it all to myself.
Nah. One beer last year and another, a few months ago. That's my only alcohol since 2004. Before then, I drank all the time, and stopped because drinking made me feel run down and worn out.
just cracked a cold one getting ready to watch USC vs VIRGINIA
Ya i drink maybe 4 nights a week
I drank a couple non alcoholic beers. they do have alcohol but just a teeny little bit.
I am having a rum and coke right now. :-) **Cheers**
No. I haven't drank any since last April.
Yes. In fact, just yesterday I was asked what happened to the bottle of rum. Hehehe. I have no IDEA what happened to the bottle of rum. There are three bottles of whiskey in the closet though. I can hear them calling... "Help! Help! Get us out of here!"
Yes. I celebrated my birthday last March 7th and there was beer.
Yes. One very small glass of wine.
no, i rarely drank anymore.
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