• Slope-intercept form looks like this: y=mx+b m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept. Your equation is y=4x-8. Any time there is a minus sign before m, the slope is negative; any time there is a minus sign before b, the y-intercept is negative. In your equation, the slope is positive and the y-intercept is negative. I'm sure you can figure out on your own what those are, since your equation is already in slope-intercept form. The x-intercept is when the line crosses the x-axis. Whenever a point is on the x-axis, its y-coordinate is zero. So, to find the x-intercept, you simply have to make y in your equation zero and solve for x: Write your equation: y=4x-8 Substitute 0 for y: 0=4x-8 Add 8 to both sides: 8=4x Divide both sides by 4: 2=x Now you know that at the x-intercept, x=2. However, x=2 is not the x-intercept, it is a line. The x-intercept is a point, and must be written (2,0). The same goes for the y-intercept: don't forget to write it as a point.

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