I wouldn't call it faith if you don't go and test it. It is more trust. You trust a person, that means this person exists for sure. I trust my parents that they tell me the truth. I'm not completely sure though.
Sorry, but this is kind of a weak argument. I don't take it on faith. My parents know what happened, they were both presumeably present, and I look like my dad's family. That's enough for me. If we had to go out and prove every little thing before we could believe it (the Earth is round, the motor in my car works like THIS, my dorm room really is a room and not a cross-dimensional portal into Narnia) nobody would ever get anything done. But hey, maybe I'm just lazy.
My dad is my dad because he raised me. I can call him on the phone right now and he will give me advice. And, if I asked, money, although I don't do that anymore. I can introduce people to him as my father, and he will shake their hand. And when I graduated college, or when my little brother gets married, he was there and will be there - and everyone else will see him there too. That's my evidence right there. If you call your diety (on the phone, via ritual, however you do it), does he show up? Does he respond? Got any family photos? Any funny stories of that time he called you by your childhood nickname in front of your boss? Bad analogy - try again.
I haven't done either of these things. My dad is my dad because he raised me, loved me, cared for me. My dad has always been there for me. I can see my dad. He interacts with me. If I found out I don't come biologically from his sperm he'd still be my dad. Unlike god. I don't know how you are seeing even a mild correlation.
All I have to do is look at my aunts on my dad's side of the family - I look just like them.
Here's the problem with your argument. Should I wish to see if my Dad is actually my biological father, we can both take a test. It's called a paternity test. It is scientific, repeatable, and doesn't rely on anything except for solid evidence. Can you say the same about your relationship with God? The answer is rhetorical: you cannot. Don't take that to mean that I'm chastising your belief system, because I'm not; all organized religions rely heavily on faith. But your argument is malformed and, in all honestly, awful. If you want to believe there is an omnipotent Creator, that is fine. You will not find evidence for it, but you shouldn't need it. Just don't drag other peoples beliefs through the mud because they aren't the same as yours: you will only succeed in making yourself look dimwitted and foolish.
I'm not an atheist, but the implied position in your question doesn't really relate to the atheist challenges of God's existence. Among other things, it's irrelevant: nobody is asking us to have faith in our father's absolute judgment or wisdom, nobody is asking us to grant that our father created the universe, etc. When you start saying things like "you must trust your life to something you cannot see at all", common sense suggests that such a proposition is going to be met with a high burden of evidence -- there's a lot at stake. By contrast, if it turns out my father wasn't really my father, it's not that big a deal.
>>Atheists: how many of you take it on faith that your dad is actually your dad? I've never felt a need to ask the question. Do you take it on faith that your favorite soda is actually what it says on the label?
Believers in supernatural spooks and invisible ghosts: how many of you take it on faith that the god you pray to is the god you think it is?
What does being an Atheist have to do with it? Religious people cheat too you know.
If you want to call it 'faith' then let it be. My father was there through my mother's pregnancy, he was there when I was born, he loved me, he raised me, he cared for me and he's made me who I am. Even if he weren't my biological father, I wouldn't care. He proved himself, who am I to question that? He is all there is for me even if there were more!
I'm just curious..what does being an Atheist have to do with it? Seems to me that a Christian could just as easily question whether their dad is really their dad. Or is this question geared toward the ability to accept something/anything, simply upon faith? Also, seems to me that the next logical question would be..if so, then why can't you accept God on faith. That's hardly the same thing, you know.
I can touch the person who claims to be my dad. The genetic evidence is considered to be legally binding. It does, that's good enough for me. Your god cannot even show up.
Nobody who has seen me and my father standing next to each other will ever doubt that he is my biological parent. ;-)
I need no proof. I can see him. Touch him. And speak to him. Others can as well. Seeing as how your boogeyman can not be seen heard felt or otherwise experienced, one must ask for proof. That is not the case with something as obvious as a biological parent. And before you run off at the mouth about how you can see and feel your boogeyman, no you can't. Unless you're off your meds.
I'm not an atheists man but the way you asked the question you were bagging for them to gang up on you
Well there are some very obvious clues each time I pass the mirror, and I'm fairly confident he didn't have a twin brother. However if I had any doubts I'm not sure I would bother with proof. The act of providing 23 chromosomes does not make one a father, it makes one a sperm donor. If I had to choose between a man who provided some genetic material, and a different man who raised us and cared for us throughout our lives, I'd go for the second one as my father.
It seems that you're intimating that atheists take it that their dads are their dads based on faith and therefore should take it that god (or at least your God) should be taken on faith too and that if we don't do so we are guilty of some type of logical double standard. Your apparent argument is full of fail. First we have lots of evidence that our dad is our dad. Second that evidence is falsifiable. Third those who have a suspicion can test their suspicion and with a great degree of certainty know if their dad is their dad. So no one who has suspicion needs take it on faith. On the other hand those who have a suspicion that there isn't a god have been given no evidence whatsoever to support existence of a god. No hypothesis for a god can be falsified and as such there are no tests for the existence of a god. In short logic and evidence suggest my dad is my dad and that god is a figment of your imagination--no double standard or specious argument applied.
I'm an Atheist, I don't take anything on faith. Only the religious nuts take the unprovable on faith
I love this question! They have no more proof that their father is their father than our heavenly father is our father and yes he does show up and yes we can speak to him and call on him. And yes he was there for our birth, and stood by our mothers and us during our trials and our struggles. And he's there for them too they just fail to acknowledge it. And yes we were made in His image as well! This is perfect!
If you're not joking, I pity you, Linda-Jenny.
Lol I'm one of the religious nuts. I have faith in God through Jesus by way of the Holy Spirit. God is the one who gives faith it cannot come from us.
The bottom line is that if need be they can absolutely prove dad is dad. The existence of god cannot be proved.
That is not faith. There is no good reason to question that my parents are actually my parents. If they were not, there would be some evidence of it. II question things that have no evidence, not things that have mush evidence. Parents and gods are totally different matters. You reasoning is biased and thus flawed. My birth certificate tells who my parents are. It would give differnt names if my parents adopted me.
I don't have faith in that. My parents names are on my birth certificate. I can get another copy if I have doubts.
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