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Not sure of his age, but if he is a juvenile your parents could have him committed to a Detox/Rehab. If he is of age, you might want to try having an intervention. Just DONT give him money, DONT lie for him, DONT give into his manipulations and DONT enable him. There is a new drug out called "Suboxone" it is a synthetic opiate base pill, that stops cravings of all opiates and blocks any opiate that he would even try to use. But he needs to want to get help before anything can take place for his recovery. Also you and the other loved ones might want to try going to Alanon, for families or loved ones of alcoholics/addicts. Pray for his strength and that he finds his way soon, that is nasty stuff. Edit: Just saw the fact he is 19 so all applies except anyone have him placed in Rehab.
First of all, your Bro is fortunate to have a sibling such as you, in that you care enough to find help for him, instead of laying guilt, and blame upon them, I tip my hat in your general direction! Now, HEROIN is not a drug, it is a NARCOTIC, related to anything regarding an OPIATE based derivative, of which Heroin is top dog in purity, as well as unpreventable in it's horrable addiction. There are many factors to consider why one can have an easier time involving a multiple accounting of relapse, but understand, it will happen, and is unavoidable, just as with the alcoholic. When relapse occurs, it's imperative to immediately get the individual back into rehab without delay! The reason being is that relapse is expected, and all the measures are in place to address his specific issues involved right away, and not have to waste time later by having the person go through the initial addiction phases all over again, those same ones that failed the first time. Addiction has so many factors related to the individual, and far more than the drug itself. hereβs something I pulled off the Internet for you, concerning a Gene in some people that causes people to become more addicted that most, and has been verified. It states: Scientists have not only identified a critical gene involved in heroin addiction relapse, but they have also successfully blocked it, eliminating cravings for the drug. The study was conducted on heroin-addicted rats. But the researchers now think that, within a few years, better treatments will become available to human heroin users who cannot quit due to insidious cycles of relapse. Ok, thatβs only the beginning part, so if interested, here's the URL for ya to go and take a peek-see: Here's the Google link URL for all information found for Heroin addiction: And, finally, here's the Google URL for Families of Heroin Addict support groups, as we all need to know how to heal together, so no one is left out, and all get the tools needed to accomplish that important ability to bond again as a whole. Here it is: I wish you, and yours well, and hope for only good outcomes in the future. You all have a hard road ahead, but with the sensibilities, and compassion that you possess, it surely will make things all the much easier. As stated, your Bro is quite the lucky man. Let us know about the progress from time to time, and we'll all here give you strength if needed, all ya have to do is ask. Be well young heart, and Peace!
Dealing with heroin addiction can be very tough. It's great that your brother has someone like you that is willing to help. I spent a few years with only people that were enabling me. First, realize the physical dependency. Heroin changes the way the body deals with pain in the neurological level. It also causes constipation and "nodding" which is almost like a light narcolepsy. It's almost easier to just live with the addiction. The withdrawal is like a mini-death that can last from 3 days to 3 weeks. Withdrawal symptoms can include diarrhea, cramping, hot/cold flashes, watering eyes, feeling pricks/cuts all over, vomiting, sweating, no appetite, sleeplessness, and tons of other feelings that can't be described with words. Some people find it easier to go on a methadone program. You go to the clinic, sign up, and go in daily for a dose of methadone. This works for some people, but the problem happens when the dosage starts into the weaning phase. Usually into the 3rd week, the dosage gets down lower than the body would like, so withdrawal symptoms can get pretty bad at night until the next dose. The sickness can be what breaks you down to go and get some heroin cuz the clinic doesn't open until morning... so maybe a little heroin will tide me over. Soon, you're supplementing the methadone with heroin - and your opiate tolerance has gone even higher. What worked for me was to go cold turkey. I had hit bottom. My beautiful and exciting Hollywood life wasn't so beautiful or exciting anymore. Instead, I found myself in dangerous situations and falling further from what I had been working towards for years. After a few tries with the methadone and a couple run-ins with the law, I decided to leave LA and go cold turkey. I think it's the best way to get clean. Find something that motivates your brother. Use that to push him into whatever rehabilitation method works best. But what is never said by anyone because people think it drastic is that you need to move away. I don't mean to another part of town. Get to a place where once your bother is clean, he can stay clean - a place where he can't get his hands on heroin. GOING COLD TURKEY I know this isn't exactly going cold turkey and I'll probably get a lot of crap for it, but it's what helped me. Use marijuana and cough syrup like robitussin starting around the second day. The pot will help with the lack of appetite. I didn't eat a bite for 4 days until a friend gave me a couple hits of pot. I still struggled to eat, but actually felt like I could put the food into my mouth. Because of the restlessness and insomnia, I had a bottle of tussin. Sleep through the pain as much as possible. These are things that people would normally not become addicted to. If you're brother has a history of addiction with other drugs, then this wouldn't be the way to go. Most importantly, HYDRATE. With all the sweating and diarrhea, it's so easy to become dehydrated... and dehydration can aggrevate withdrawal symptoms even more. Every situation is different and the solution should be customized for each person. That's what is lacking clinics and most rehab centers. Heroin was a part of my life for a few years and it destroyed everything good I had going on. With a lot of motivation, focus, and help from a couple friends, I was able to get out of the heroin rut. I've been clean since March 2004. If you have any questions AT ALL, just ask. I'm always willing to help anyone beat this addiction.
First of all, try not to worry about this so that it takes over your life. I have gone through the same thing with my sister and she has now been clean for nearly ten years and has her life back. You'll have read terrible things about heroin in the media (most of them false), don't let it scare you. Every day I thought my sister was going to die, I was petrified, and this caused me so much stress. The thing is, there is nothing you can do to help until he has decided himself that he wants to quit. Until this time, try not to give him money for drugs, this is so hard, but you will just be making things easier for him. When he decided he has had enough (and he will) then give him support and let him know that you are there for him. I really sympathise with you because I know exactly what you are going through. Your brother will be ok, he'll probably quit a few times, and go back on heroin before he quits for good. I hope it works out for you, but remember try not to let his problem take over your life, you have to try and distance yourself, and I know this is hard, but it doesn't mean you don't love him. The saying "you've got to be cruel to be kind" applies here. Good luck.
My husband Is a recoevering drug addict as well and has had 2 relapses.... It is so hard. I think some people have to hit ROCK BOTTOM before they reach for help and for some people that means different things. We have moved so many times and I have to maintain my CONTROL just to deal with the situation. Taking my hubbies paychecks, bank acount in my name only etc... I tries Alanon but it only made it worse for me all the painful memories I had to deal with. I really try hard to get this stuff out of my mind. As hard as it might be DO NOT support your brother financialy.... He may ask you for food or money for food.. Dont help. Be there if he wants help getting off drugs other wise tuff love is the best thing you can do as hard as it is.
I've been around a lot of addicts, and depending on the other aspects of their lifestyles, their situations ranged from absolute desperation to being able to function on a level where no one around them was even aware of their addiction. Rather than rushing headlong into panic mode and aggravating the situation unnecessarily, it's probably more sensible to take a pragmatic approach and focus on the health of your brother first, and then over time work together to address the underlying issues that lead to the drug addiction. In some ways the danger of heroin is due to its illegality, which gives rise to various other symptomatic problems, since very often it's not always the drug that kills, but the lifestyle that goes with it. Things to focus on with him would be: Availability of money: does he have enough to get his drugs, or is he going to be resorting to crime to finance his habit? Lack of money usually leads to the drug being the main priority and other things being all but forgotten. Good nutrition, is one of the first things to go when addicts have only money for drugs. The ability to get clean, quality heroin that hasn't been cut with all sorts of crap, so as to ensure the dose and its strength are always able to be controlled (Many deaths occur due to the fluctuating strengths of heroin on the streets) It's not uncommon for people who had habits in one country, and were pretty sure of their tolerances to end up dead when they went to another place, because they were used to a lower quality product. This has happened a lot to people from Australia going to Thailand and other Asian countries. They unknowingly took their first hit of relatively pure heroin, (at the dosage they were shooting back home) and OD'd within a few hours of arriving. Finally, the attitude of those around him, without being indulgent, shouldn't treat him like a criminal, but like someone in need of help like any other patient. I have friends who have been heroin addicts for years and they work, eat properly, and apart from the actual addiction, seem to function as normal members of society.
Hey! I know exactly what you are going through and all i can say is you gotta be tough. You obviously love your bro and it's one of the most difficult things in the world to watch someone you love go through so much anguish and not be able to do anything but you really can't.It is a decision he has to make and action he has to take, all you can do is be there if he needs you.Never judge him and just love him. In my experience they are beating themselves up for taking heroin as much as they are loving the's a vicious,vicious circle. My story is somewhat different to yours as my bro has totally retreated from me and comes across as if he hates me so i have no influence what so ever but i completely understand your pain, my heart aches every time i think about my bro. Good luck sweetie to you and your bro.
Just wanted to tell you that you are not alone.. I also have a brother he's 22. He is an Heroin addict also. I truly understand where you are coming from. I cannot give you any words of wisdom. I myself am just processing this situation in my own head.he is my baby brother it is so very hard for me to not be able to protect him to fix him. The only advice I am capable of giving is people can only change when they choose to or decide for themselves that they are ready. And try your hardest not to enable him..I make a point of refusing him cash and refusing him my car keys. If he needs cigarettes I go to the store and buy them myself, if he claims he has to go to the doctor and cant pay for it, I ask for the doctors name and offer to take him and write the doctor a check. This usually ends up changing his mind about the doctor visit. So.....just stay strong theres other sisters out here who are hurting and confused also. My brother is my heart. I would give him my life at this exact moment if I knew he'd be ok for the rest of his. But realistically he has to want his own life to be ok. Love him but hold onto yourself and your own life too its very easy to get caught in the outer webb of Heroin users effects. Smile----always try to smile---even if its just for yourself...Goodluck
My brother is a heroin addict. It's hurts my heart, soul and everything in between. He is my blood and I ache every day for him. Love. Don't enable him but love him. They react negatively to people forcing down negativity and talking about his addiction. Fortunately, I hope, my brother got in trouble with the law, ran from it and had a warrant against him. We call the cops on him, had him arrested, explained the severity of his addiction (1.5-2 grams a day) and the judge and phsychiatrist had him sent to a state detox facility for 30 days, cold turkey and at medium security. It's out of our hands now and in God's hands. We paid for detox before but it wasn't long enough I guess. Statistics say they will relapse many times before it sticks, if at all. All we can do is support them in getting sober and clean, not support their drug habit or pretend like it's not happening. I feel for you and anyone else who is in my and my family's shoes. It's a hard road for us and them. All you can do is show them that they will still have his/her family around no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT! *Kisses* and much prayer.
Hello Everyone. All of your letters mean so much to me. I am 30 years old and my 24 year old brother is addicted to Heroin and I think other drugs. Like you have all said I love him so much. Yesterday I was thinking nobody can understand how much time, effort and pain this takes up inside me? But all of you seem to understand. I wish I could talk to some of you now. My good friends don't seem to understand my deep sorrow and pain. They tell me to be strong but my heart is aching. For my little brother and for the rest of my family. I have tried going to Alonon meetings and I think I should try and go to some more. But I must say I have not found these meetings helpful yet. Maybe I should keep trying so that I can connect with other folks there. I must say in some way I feel that I have already connected with many of you. This might sound funny but if any of you live in the NY city area and maybe want to get together to support one another can you please e-mail me: Happy New Year. S
my boyfriend of 4 years is a heroin addict. hes 19. im 21. i found out about 2 years ago. i found needles and bags full of heroin. i was shocked. we got him suboxone. he was AMAZING for a while. but the devil kept knocking on his door and eventually he answered. he went to detox for 5 days about a week ago. hes out of detox now and hes being treated like hes 5. me or his family has to watch him at all times. but in my head i know if he really wants it, he will get it. i pray he wont. he admitted to me that hes been addicted for 5 years. he does a bundle& a half a day. he snorts and shoots up. im trying my hardest to keep him distracted, keep him busy so he never thinks of it. but its hard & is like a full time job. time will tell. but i cal tell you this.. i DID NOT just waste the last 4 years of my life with this guy just to leave and give up on him. i refuse to let him give up on himself. theres ALWAYS hope.
hey, i know exactly what your going threw, my boyfriend is in the same situation. He actually has been back and forth going to jail because of it. after 3 years in prison he went back to it the day after he got out. Recently he went to a rehab to detox and once again he got right back into it. Heroin is 1 of the most addictive drugs out there. Weather your brother shoots up, or snorts could be a different situation as well. Users who snort dont get a higher high because it takes a little wile for it to get into your blood stream. Users who shoot up are directly shooting into their blood stream and will feel the high within seconds. It gets intence within 3 minutes and they begin to nod out. Ive heard when the inital high is happening nothing in the world is better to them. If your brother has emotional problems or mental health problems he may be trying to "self medicate" himself. You cant force him to change, that will only make things worse, if he goes because you forse him it will only to get you to shut up and then the cycle will run all over again. shoot me a private message if youd like on aim, i want to be a drug counslor so i love helping people with this situation. Hope everything goes well xosteph051202
this may sound drastic, but maybe you should call the cops on him
iam in d same boad my bro is aproaching 30 and he is been doing it i think about 4 years. he is already non-functioning ...wont leave d house unless it's to get the shit... i c him die a little more everyday... he is like a zombie... an empty shell of what he used to be! i wonder if there really is a cure 4 them... sometimes i feel like i can't do it anymore... i can't see him this way anymore! i do shopping cooking cleaning 4 him and when iam @ his place ... i just wanna get out and go home and sleep and never wake up... it is so hard that people judge them...and have no respect 4 them...we know them the way they used to be ... my brother is a gentle person , a heart of gold ..never hurt anyone but himself! i'll pray for all of us and for a cure ..
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