Charles Taze Russell was a Mason.
Nick Batchelor
People run wild about whether or not Russell was a freemason. He wasn?t. Freemasons, from their part, have stated: ?Russell was not a freemason".
The Jehovah Witnesses cult is -secret- part of the masonic empire. My 2 cents.
Nick Batchelor
Nothing secret about Jehovah's Witnessss. Not a cult either. C.T Russell wasn't perfect be he wasn't a Mason.
Who says that they were? No one even knows for sure if he was a Mason( see some related questions, some of the various answers help). In closing, disguising an unsubstantiated statement with a question mark at the end, and a small word or two at the beginning is a week way to get legitimate answers. Come on,it's only fun if we're here to learn. Hazzah!
Alister Crowley was the one with the lawnmower. Charles Taze Russell had to borrow it all the time
Interesting statement. Crowley born 12 October 1875. How good of friends could one be when he was just a child? Oh, a good point here too, Crowley was living in England in the 1870's not in NYC.
Great bridge partners?! ;-)
It was while young Russell had such thoughts that he stepped into that dingy hall in Allegheny and heard the sermon that
Aleister Crowley was very bad little boy and a very bad teenager his favorite thing was to get a religious man a priest or somebody in religion all hot and sexually excited and jack off with them. It is said that aleister Crowley was the best masturbator in all of the world. He knew how to do it really good and he enjoyed homosexuality beastiality any kind of sex you could come up with he was a master at it. And although I don't know the story personally but it said that he seduced many a religious man into doing some kind of sex with him just because he knew he could get them to do it.. Nobody really knows how many priests and other religious men that aleister Crowley would go from person to person just to get them to do whatever he could get them to do sexually. If you look on the internet you can see Alistair next to Nikolai Tesla. That's another thing I won't go into right now
Okay I wasn't going to say anything but I can't resist it said that the two people invented the anal vibrator
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