• I personally wouldnt like to wear them. Less is best for me. What are the benefits?
  • Many people wear diapers instead of underwear. There are several adult incontinence products on the market, and it is completely unremarkable to do it.
  • I am 37 and wear diapers for medical reasons most of the time. I have had a fetish for them all my life, but thankfully it has helped me grow and accept the fact that I really needed to wear them later on in life. You see, everytime I urinate I leak afterwards. If I drink a lot of water throughout the day (and you should), then I have to urinate more often -- which means more leakage afterwards. It got to the point where my underwear would get wet and smell. Also, I have an odd problem with my skin getting damp and sweating a strange "musk-like" oily substance between my legs. It caused bad itching and eventually rashes. Wearing an adult diaper is the only comfortable thing that has helped. Male guards don't work as well, and the beltless undergarment just isn't comfortable at all. An adult disposable diaper (like Depends) at least feels like underwear, and it works better for me than the "disposable underwear" that Depends sells. Other benefits would also be road trips, events, or even work situations where you are not allowed or cannot go to the bathroom as much as you need to. Some work places are unreasonable and only let you use the bathroom on your break, and unfortunately that may not be enough time. Wearing them during movies at the theater is also beneficial. They can protect you just in case you really need to go and don't want to miss out on a movie you paid $9 to go see. On road trips, I tend to have stomach cramps. Heck, I can get those quite often at times. I don't normally have fecal problems, but there are times where letting off too much gas results in other things that stain your undergarment. A diaper helps with that. I have read stories of adults wearing diapers because it was more sanitary to do so, than the dirty public restrooms. Japan even had a diaper fashion show recently for adults to make more people aware of them.
  • Do you wear rubber/plastic pants over your diapers too?

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