• If he going elsewhere maybe you should tell him he needs to wear protection when having relations with you. Drop him by the roadside and move on with your life. mr Bil
  • Uh huh. Sorry.
  • I would say it is very probable that he is cheating.
  • yup, girl , talk to him about that
  • it would seem that way to me.
  • Well, let's see, maybe he's just keeping them for someone else. NOT!
  • Very probable that he is cheating. But why would he be so foolish to put them in a spot that you could likely find them.
  • Since you obviously have no faith in him, don't trust him, and feel he MIGHT EVEN be cheating, it's time to close the door on this guy. How can anyone even have good sex with someone they don't totally trust . . . that is of course, unless you know nothing about them at all.
  • I wonder what was in his head when putting them there... Ask him, see what he has to say. Then see what you have to do.
  • Logic tells me that he is cheating.
  • You're not using condoms!?!? =O And if he's cheated before, why do you still trust him? I'm guessing he's cheating.
  • Ass everybody already said - He is probably cheating on you. Try to find his cellphone records and see who he calls. Maybe this link will help you...
  • This exact same thing has just recently happened to me & it is on my mind 24/7 & is freaking me out... I have been cheated on before in my past relationships & will not put up with it. Only problem is that love my boyfriend & we will be together now 2yrs in Dec. I was doing my usuall housecleaning at his place & put some things off the top of his nitestand into the top drawer & moved over some papers & there was 1 reg colored condom & 2 textured ones still not torn apart from ea. other & then 1 more textured one by itself. No box... I have looked in this drawer before & I swear that they weren't there before. I keep thinking that I will wait to see if they disappear then I will know what is going on but it just makes me sick! If they're gone then I will confront him & it will be over I guess. It messes with my head though since I am 32 & he is 52 & I would think that after he has been married 3 times that an older man would finally mature & quit cheating but I guess I may find myself wrong.

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