Every once in a great while, my husband and I like to go to a Comedy club
I've on been to a comedy show once. Really disappointing. I'll stick to live music.
Yes ago I had went to many. I went to watch Steve Martin when he did stand up.
We've got a place here called, Stanford & Sons. It's okay, depending on who's performing.
Yes I used to a lot I love drag shows. I like the bitchy sarcastic humour. I also like Stand up in a satire type Comedy Club.
Yeah I have. Before I was 21, I would go to Acme Comedy club shows in Minneapolis quite often.
I don't really go to comedy clubs. I've seen Lewis Black and the late George Carlin live a few times. I was actually hoping to see Carlin live again at some point, but sadly, now I can't
Never have..actually I've been to very few "live" anythings. Went to a jazz club once..saw Larry Carlton perform in a small club in northern California once (loved it a lot)...saw Phil Collins perform in a huge venue once (was too far away to really "enjoy" it but I loved the music). I don't like loud noise, cigarette smoke, drunk people who are that pretty much eliminates any desire I would have to go to a comedy club, even if I could be assured that the comedian was actually funny and not vulgar/shocking/gross! :)
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