• A good first step is to decide what you are going to make it out of. If you want to make thread bracelets, you would look for what they call a "friendship bracelet" pattern. If you are going to make bead jewelry, then find bead patterns, working with silver, working with gems and so forth with what ever you decide. For some tips to help you decide which kind you want, scroll down to the bottom of this page, click on "How to Articles", then type "make jewelry" in the search box.
  • I would recommend looking at some jewelry patterns and deciding what you want to start with. Earrings are generally a good jewelry to make for beginners because they are fairly simple and don't take very long. There are some free jewelry patterns here with instructions: Another alternative is to buy a jewelry making kit. They come with everything you need (including instructions and beads) to make that piece of jewelry.
  • taught myself and I make Swarovski jewelry. Also the craft store Michael's has a course its about 10 bucks to start easy stuff. Any bead shops in the neighborhood look them up. They usually have classes also but more costly. Go to u-tube and if you want to make necklace key in necklace making or jewelry making. I learned everthing on line. Go to and they have stuff to order at low prices and some websites will have instructions on how to do. Hope I was a help. Have fun.
  • I think the instructions on the Fire Mountain Beads site are great. There is a whole library, including videos, of techniques as well as charts, gauges and other helpful things. The address is
  • Judy in Akron is right: these are just a few I can remember off the top of my head...there are thousands!!! Another great thing to do is: subscribe to "Bead and Button" magazine. They have hundreds of other web sites, and they have a tutorial in every issue, plus great ideas and patterns...little pricey, but the best bead magazine out there. I have been making jewelry for about 5 years, now. ;)
  • Colours beads and jewelry, founded in 2001,is specialized in the design,manufacture and wholesale of handmade Pandora style beads,Pandora style bracelet,Pandora style charm,Pandora style sterling silver beads and chain,Pandora style jewelry,Troll style glassbeads and 925silver beads,Lampwork glass beads,Murano pendant,Murano glass beads,Vientian style doldsand glass beads,Venetian silver and gold foil glassbeads,Venetian style pendant,Murano style bracelet,Murano style necklace,and Glass Jewelry. websites: Welcome to our website to order
  • Try this: Hope you will get some benefit

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