• As a person who had aquariums, here are some things to check into and give some thought to: The aquarium's water is not pure. It has LOTS of impurities and bacteria. These react with sunlight. Where is the aquarium located? If it's near a window where sunlight comes in, you might have to move the aquarium. Check the filter. How long has it been since the filter was cleaned? If you have an under-gravel filter, when was the last time that was cleaned? How long has it been since the entire aquarium was taken apart and cleaned? Are you feeding the animals too much food? Is the heater temperature too high (or low)? There may be a disease or bacteria from the new pets. Did you get any new pets? Was the water treated when you added the new pets? There may be other things which aren't quite right. How is the water's Ph? Take a sample of the water with you. Go back to where you buy your pets and ask someone who KNOWS what might be wrong. Ask that person if there is a club in your area where you can meet and talk with folks abiout thoe things which concern you. Go to the public library and take-out some books about aquariums. Your answer may be in one or more of those books. Google the problem: "Cloudy aquarium water". Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Because you asked. Some personal observations and opinions. "THE University of Hard Knocks" also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons"
  • This usually happens because your media is not changed. If you have live plants in the aquarium and they are dieing, the rot makes the water look dirty. This means there are not enough nutrients in your water. You should change the water regularly anyways. This may help as well.
  • my be over feeding ur fish iam having thay prob in my 29 gallon community tank. i also have a 90 gallon tank with two tiger oscars

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