I wouldn't call the same day because it seems too desperate. The next day or the day after are acceptable in my opinion but I wouldn't wait longer than three days. If she really likes you, she'll be just as anxious waiting for your call as you are about making it.
Two days.
Good anwers, and yes a couple days sounds good.
"The 3 day rule" I thought everybody knew this.
i think it depends on how the number was given, i gave my number out on a night out and he texted me a few hours later. we went for a date 2 days later and are seeing each other now. So it is the chemisty and inital impact of meeting which you should judge and not the time span of phoning. trust your instincts of her reaction to talking to you which gave her the nerve to give you her phone number. (she could be waiting and feel you are not really interested)
There is no real rule to follow, however you don't want to appear despirate, but you still want to make that phone call. I have gotten a telephone number from a girl and called the next evening and had an exellent conversation with her which resulted in several dates with her. If you are really interested in her make the call and Good luck! and be cool.
If you really like her. Call her right away.
the next day or even the day after but no more than 3 days cause she'll think u lost interest/
A friend of mine, who is apparently a master at picking up women, says he gives the woman his number. If she calls, he knows she is interested and sets up a date immediately.
A girl gave me her number once when I was working at a restaurant. Obviously, since I was working, I couldn't chat long. I told her that I'd call her when I got home from work, and I did. We had an excellent conversation, we dated for a little over 6 mos. After she gives you her number, let her know I'll call you... (ie later, tomorrow, whatever) see how she reacts to that. If she's really interested she's going to want to talk to you.
When you accept a phone number, always try to indicate when you'll call. That way, she'll know you're interested, even if you can't call right away. The next day is usually best, as it indicates strong interest, but won't make you appear desperate. Two days should be the limit, and only if you're really busy with something you can tell her about when you do call. Any longer than a second day will be too long, since you're obviously not that interested in her. The three day rule is antiquated. We live in an information society where it is just too easy to communicate to wait three days. Saying when you'll call keeps her from waiting by the phone and let's you both look forward to the call.
OOH OOOH! I KNOW! ok, now, when you FIRST going out with someone, play a little hard to get. This is what my father taught me. If you say, OH BABY, I NEED TO CALL YOU NOWWW! and if u talk for hours, thats bad. ok, wait ONE day, and then call her, if she calls you, dont answer it. TRUST ME! if you dont answer it for a day, she will want you even more. But if you just always pick up the phone, and talk forever and ever, she may get tired of you, and fast. So ya know, just wait a day, and then call her.
TWO DAYS that is the magic number...doesn't seem like your desprite AND doesn't make it look like your not interested in him/her
Well id call to see if it works ya know?
Call but say your busy, and can't talk long. Less time for her to get bored of you. Then say you busy on the weekend but you'll call her next week, this way it seems like you have a life. By the time you do hook up she'll be more interested, cause you don't come across as desperate.
Well, call me an over confident, impulsive hedonist, but I say if you want to talk to her, then call. I can't speak for other people, but I have never given my number to someone that I wasn't interested in. Therefore, getting a call from someone that I like right away just shows reciprocal interest. However, I do like the idea of saying "I'll call you when I get off work" or even asking "When would be the best time for me to call?" Of course, I have been in a committed relationship for a long time, so maybe things have changed since I was out there :)
If you are really interested and appeartently she is call asap..... he who snoozes, looses
As a girl, when I give a guy my number, it's actually really irritating when they call the same day, regardless of how interested I was in the first place. Especially if they call repeatedly, which a lot of guys do for some reason.. Usually 2 or 3 days is good because you seem interested but you're not being annoying. If you seem too eager, the girl gets freaked out and, to be honest, you look like a loser.
The next day, The three day rule is dumb .. (i`m a girl) we are impatient creatures .. just dont call the same day.
I would love for once for a guy to not wait to call me IF i have given him my number!!!!!!!!!! There is no waiting period if I gave it to you.
i agree two days sounds good and three is a bit too much so like be liuke yeah thanxx ill call u tomorrow?nd then shell be waiting for it that is the best i think =]
A day or two.
I saw this guy I dated five years ago last Friday, and he couldn't stay long but he took my number. I had doubts that he would call, but he called exactly two days later. I find two days to be perfect. We look forward to the calls, and it kills us to know when you'll call. And you don't want to seem too too desperate, right? So two days seems perfect.
If you really are interested in a girl, don't play that whole 3 day rule, that insults a girl. I think the next day is ok.
wait 5 to 9 days, if she doesn't remember you or gets pissed, then she wasn't worth it. Throw the number away.
I took a number from a girl I met today, Friday. I am planning to call her tomorrow evening or the day after. Sunday the latest. I'm hoping we can have our first date on Monday. This girl is very pretty, and I actually impressed myself that I actually had the guts to ask for her number.
Definitely just do what feels right. If I'm really interested, I'll call that day. If I'm not so anxious then I call whenever I feel like it. People say there's a rule; however, I'm not really one for playing games. When you don't play games, people notice. Calling that same day doesn't make you look desperate, in fact, the opposite. Calling the same day makes you look as though you don't care about "playing by the rules" and you're confident enough to do things as you see fit.
I believe that one day is sufficient. I gave my phone number to a guy who was staring at me from across the room of a party last night, We walked outside and chatted a bit before I put my number in his phone. He said that he was really interested and would call. I haven't heard from him. Honestly, if I don't hear from him by this evening, I'll be the one to lose interest. I like it when men are anxious to talk to me. To me it shows not only that they are really interested, but they're readily available. It's different when a woman voluntarily gives her number than if a man asks for it. If a man asks, maybe two days, but if she offers, I say within 24 hours.
Play with her mind lol and don't tell her when you'll be calling just call her like in two days and she will be surprised and then go from there.
Play with her mind lol and don't tell her when you'll be calling just call her like in two days and she will be surprised and then go from there.
2 days unless she tells you to call her tomorrow. Then call her in the afternoon sometime.
oh so u just gonna sit there thinking you are the only guy who got her number!dude, wat you waitin for, call her up!! +2
1-2 days. Wait much longer and she may think you're not interested.
The next day would be good but not essential. Some doubt in her mind should be fermented but not too much.
at least in that same week you asked for it. don't wait longer than that or she'll think you're not interested. but if you're not interested from the start then don't even ask for the number!
I think if she really likes you, if you call immediately it won't matter, but if you wait too longβ¦and she really likes you then it could be a huge turn-off. Now on the flip side if she is still feeling you out, and you call immediately that seems desperate and she will write you off. If you wait too long sheβll think you are a flake. If you ever watched Swingers, they say six days, but I would say maybe two or three. Also, depends on when you met her. Say it was a Thursday or Friday, you might hold off till Monday or even Tuesday. People in general donβt like things to be too easy. Girls love the chase.
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