• spiderman would get spanked no doubt superman would win, unless iron man had kryptonite in which case superman would be done for but i think its lame that superman is 'superman' fuckin guy can do anything, lame Iron man rules all though
  • Not sure who would win but the inhabitants of the general area they were all fighting in would be 'owned' first.
  • Superman crushes Ironman and puts him in the recyclables, squashes Spidey, and mashes Bats into guano easily. I mean, he's Superman.
  • As long as Batman doesn't bring along some kryptonite, Superman wipes up the floor with all of them. Batman vs. Spiderman would be a great fight. A toss-up no doubt.
  • Superman easily, he's invincible and stupidly fast, the rest just have some fancy tricks
  • superman all the others are human but superman is out of this world lol
  • Superman would easily win.
  • Spiderman would play it smart and take pictures until the other three were worn out then he would spin a kryptonite laced titanium web around them all that he devised in his lab the night before because his spidey senses told him that the fight was coming. Then he would sell the pictures to the Bugle, the Daily Planet, the Wayne Manor Gazette and Mad Money that would make Stark industies a penny stock in seconds.

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