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  • So many women love their own taste. I know so many women that liked giving me head especially after we had intercourse. Many I have talked to or had phone sex with do. I can understand, I like it too...
  • Mhmmmm. During and after.
  • Yes, I like to taste myself, especially because that also helps me tell if I'm ovulating or about to get my period in a couple days! It's yummy too!
  • I love the taste of myself. My bf loves licking my fingers afterward too.
  • Licking my finger when I play with myself to me is part of making love to myself. I love the taste and smell. Hours later I still sniff my fingers ummm… I love having my husband in my mouth after he has been in me because of his and my taste together.
  • when I get to watch my wife j/o with her dil/vib she will have me lick it and her fingers clean when it gets to wet, somtimes she likes to suck it her self.
  • I do often lick my fingers while masterbating.
  • How many would lick another girls hot wet pussy?
  • every time,,all good ladies do, is there any other way
  • I love to go back and forth between my pussy and mouth!!
  • yep, actually i suck on 2fingers, imagining them to be a guys cock, and after i cum i love to play with the string of cum danging from my fingers :)
  • lol - YES!
  • I am a guy , but back when I was in high school I walked in on my best friend masturbating. She didn't freak out or anything, (I think she was way too into it to stop!) we both started giggling and she asked me if I wanted to lick her fingers. I had never even seen a girl naked at that point but I said OK. They were very wet, and covered with a lot of her cum. It was delicious! After I licked her fingers she continued to finger herself until she finally came, and then she let me lick her fingers again. She got dressed and we went downstairs to watch TV. We use to laugh about that day all the time.

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