Yeah if some retard doesnt sail it into the Artic. lol
Nosmo King
Yes I probably would. As long as the captain doesn't steer it into any icebergs. :p
Yes, as long as there were lifeboats for all.
Since history likes to repeat itself, you can count me out of this mal voyage.
Oh yeah, for sure.
- don't appeal to me. Have never been on one and don't expect to ever go on one unless I'm dragged kicking and screaming by forces greater than myself! :) Happy Wednesday! :)
I would love to have a chance to sail on the rebuilt Titanic. But the engines would be updated, the bolts would be inspected with more acuity,and we would have a Captain who was not afraid of the owners.
i would love to I might as well give it a go ! :)
I sure would! That thing looked beautiful in first class!
NO way, too crowded. I like being with just a few people on a boat and I love sailing, not motoring or cruising.
If your question is referring to a fear factor, I wouldn't have any problem sailing on the rebuilt Titanic. I prefer smaller boats for my water activities though.
Not really because there are bigger and much better choices now.
Nope, I don't do water and boat's.
Sure! I imagine that ship construction has improved greatly since the early 1910's, so the ship would be much safer. Based on previous experience, the Captain would be much more careful while at sea, not ignoring multiple ice warnings. The communication would be much more sophisticated now as well, not just the wireless that was used back in 1912. Finally, even if all of the above failed, the rebuilt Titanic would have enough lifeboats for all on board, and rescue ships would arrive much more quickly!
Being a long time buff, I certianly would love to travel abord the great liner.
Oh sure. With all the technology that has developed I doubt it would happen again with anything
No, because people would be like "Ok, I swear it's true this time. The thing is unsinkable!". That would curse it and I have no plans on being on a cursed boat.
I avoid anything that floats. I get seasick very easily.
What a silly question. There can be no "rebuilt" Titanic. The ship was completely destroyed. Any newly constructed ship that bears the name "Titanic" would have little in common with the one constructed over 96 years ago.
I'd sooner do that than get on another airplane.
Sure why not. There were a total of three ships with the same design build. One, I think the Majestic, was drafted as a hospital ship and was sunk by a mine. I don't know what happened to the third one. Can anybody help?
Definately visit it while docked... Sailing on it... maybe not...
sure! but in the summertime.
Depends on where it's going and if it has enough lifeboats. LOL
I don't see why not. What captain would be foolish enough to let a catastrophe like that happen again?
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