• According to: Odds of being struck by lightning in a given year (reported deaths + injuries) = 1/700,000 Odds of being struck by lightning in a given year (estimated total deaths + injuries) = 1/400,000 Odds of being struck in your lifetime (Est. 80 years) = 1/5000 Odds you will be affected by someone being struck (Ten people affected for every one struck) = 1/500 OMG, the odds are pretty high! I'll be more careful!
  • According to my wife, nearly 100% if you do any of the following during a storm: Go outside, step foot on the front porch, look out a window, open the front door, take a bath or shower, wash your hands, turn the computer on, watch TV, talk on the phone, or flip open my cell phone. Makes just sitting back and enjoying the awesome display of a good thunderstorm a real pain in the *ss, let me tell you.
  • Lightning is far more dangerous than flying with a 1 in 136,011 chance of death by lightning.

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