Oh yeah. I don't care if God signals the Apocalypse, he'll just have to wait until I'm done my coffee, else everyone else will know what a REAL apocalypse is like.
how about a good shower in the morning,if you cant handle that praying really does great for the day
na, i got some liquid alarmclock, works pretty good. Or a nice cup of black tea...but really, its just the get up and out attitude, and the skipping of meals that wake me up ^_^'
No i have tea.:-)+
Well,it is either coffee or one of the coca-cola products. Just has to have caffeine in it. :-)
Coffee, Pepsi, or some private time with that special someone!
Most days I don't drink anything until noon. So I guess I don't need coffee or anything else to get my day started. Except my
Xyience Does the trick for me on rough days :P
Well i need a to have a strong latte to start my day :-) or else i cannot come to myself :-)
Yes, I do.
I'm a postman mate so I need a couple of pints.
Nope. The long commute is more than enough to wake me up.
Yes. Leave me alone for awhile.
No, but I do enjoy coffee most mornings.
You bet. I love the stuff & I am addicted.
You bettcha. Couldn't open my eyes properly without the java jolt. It makes all the difference in the world.
Yeah, and a few more to keep me going and one to help me wind down at night... I'm still looking for the coffee IV
No. I like coffee but I can do without it equally well. Infact I prefer two glasses of cold water first thing in the morning. Coffee after breakfast usually.
nope....just an ice-cold glass of water
Yes, I usually start my day with a couple cups of coffee.
Nope. It’s been a good many years since I’ve eaten or drunk anything with enough caffeine to be listed as an ingredient. Once it’s out of your system, you don’t need it any more. :-)
Nope, but I do enjoy a cup of coffee to warm me up.
Hell yes. Stay away from me until I've had my coffee, please.
I always have a couple of strong cups in the morning, but mostly because I like the taste and when it's cold, it warms me up. Caffeine doesn't really wake me up at all. If I drink too much, I get a little shaky, but mostly it just makes me pee!
yes I do, I dont like coffee so I need my mornin Pepsi to get going
"Need" is too strong a word. "Like" and "want" are probably closer to reality. : )
yes... monster energy makes these coffee flavored energy drinks that really kick start my day. i get them at the gas station where i buy my other addiction every morning: nicotene.
Yes, I never needed coffee in the morning, but now, if I don't have my coffee I lose it. I get sleepy and I can't concentrate! What a horrible addiction! lol
Yes...I always drink at least 2 cups.
yes, coffee + coca cola= go
Well i dont NEED it, but i enjoy my morning coffee, and watching the news. Its relaxing before i start my day ^^
Nope. I hardly ever drink coffee.
*sigh* Unfortunately.
Nope I've been caffine free for almost a year now. Being pregnant and breastfeeding eliminates it, chocolate too, there's caffine in there and it upsets his poor tummy.
Oh, yeah!
you bet ya got to get that buz goin or it is lights out gor me. SODA!!!!!
Not at all, but somedays it really helps.
Yes otherwise I get a headache and act like a monster
Not really but some days I need more than others.:)
Definitely. Coffee is the Elixir of Life!
Yes! I am addicted....I will get a bad headache and will get into a bad mood for long hours if I don't have my coffee cup....
I only do if I am waking up an hour or two earlier than usual. Because I don't have a caffine addiction, it will actually affect me when I need it to. Whereas studies have shown that habitual caffine intake creates a dependence... and drinking it only fights off the withdrawl.
No, I'm pretty hyper by nature. My job does require mass amounts of energy, though, so I turn to B12.
It's getting that way, yeah...
Some days yes! I don't drink coffee so I go straight to the soda machine and get a coke!
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