No, nor will it lose it's negative views on other religions.
Will the world ever lose its negative views on Christianity?
The negative views are the result of the preaching and actions of the fundamentalists members of all religions. Islamic fundamentalists are to Islam what David Koresh and Jim Jones are to Christianity. They do not represent anyone but themselves, but create a bad image on faith and religion.
If people understood whats beyond Islam and beyond what they see on the media without basing Islamic religion on a group of terrorists, there won't be any negative views..
People should never trust ANY religious views
When we lose control of our rational faculties.
Based on what Islam says: No! (until Christ returns) Negative views on Islam will carry on increasing (to the point that Muslims will be embarrassed to say that they are Muslims).
Sure it will. Right about the time it loses its negative views on Christianity.
It won't until those brave souls who oppose the tyranny that radical Islam espouses have more influence in the Islamic world. It is a sad fact that the Desert Faiths seem to inspire extremism. Only when Muslims as a whole stand for what is best in human nature (tolerance, enlightenment, freedom of conscience, gender equality, etc) to such a degree that extremists are ashamed to raise their heads will Islam lose its stigma.
That depends on how the world evolves and how Islam evolves. In order for the world to lose its negative view of Islam, Islam will have to evolve and modernize. ( ) If Islam does so, the negative views will be lessened. If it does not, history will continue to cast a negative light on Islam. Don't get me wrong. I have no more or less problem with the contents of the Koran and Hadiths than I have with the contents of the Bible. I know about (have studied, and have Muslim friends) Islam. I will admit that in its geographic place and time in history, the belief structure for Islam was a radical shift towards human rights. I do believe that. Many academic advancements came from the Islamic world. However, Islam isn't that force today, and it really needs to modernize. My problems with Islam aren't because of Islamic terrorists. Most religions have had their terrorists, and many continue to have them. I sincerely believe that terrorism is more the politics of desperation than the product of specific religious doctrine. I view it mostly as a global class-conflict ala Karl Marx.
Yes it will. The muslim world is just a victim of political fundamentalism. The current political landscape doesn't reflect Islam as a whole. If the most extreme fundamentalist Christians ran a dictatorship in the west, things would be just as crazy pretty fast. Western intelligence has done everything it can to destroy stable secular and moderate governments in the muslim world. They've tried to install people who are as extreme as possible. In this way they have kept the muslim world down and prejudiced us to them. This, and staged false flag events like 911, have helped make military action in the middle east more politically acceptable. When people realize the truth, they'll drop their prejudice.
That’ll be difficult if the views are based on what Muslims do. They’re a mixed bag and you get all sorts. See video. The world might get a more consistent, accurate and positive view if it looks at the Islam in the HQ and that which was practised by the final Prophet. .
This is a bitter taste of reality. Tough to watch,but much tougher if ignored. This is the film by Geert Wilders. He's a Dutch writer who is now under protection from the Islamists in the Netherlands. This is the film that has the EU and the muslim world with their pants in a wad. Most websites have removed it, including You Tube. All bowing to threats. Google still has it posted as of today but, will probably bow to pressure soon. It is about 16 minutes long but, worth the time. Can be a little tough to watch in spots. But this is what we are up against. I think we better get REAL serious.
i dont think so luckly lefty , but i wish !! i never hated christians i sware !! but there is just no understanding between these two relegions. my best friends are christian!!
negatory big fig
the world ! 1.2 billion are Muslims Islam and other religions coexist peacefully in middle east and other regions of the world no all westerns believe in "war on terror" ,,, it is mostly in the western world that the media portray islam and muslims as violent
I don't think we will just let me explain it in a view as a christian. Muslims can do whatever they want in the western regions but you as a christian want to get married to an muslim they'll probaly say you can't have my daughter because you are christian which means disbelieve. You say one word about them they want an apologize for it but the opposit is totally different. I'm sorry but I don't think I'll shake hands with them ever.
the problem is that people blame the mainstream religion for the offshoots behavior. just like they blame the mormons for the behavior of the fundimentalists on the UT/AZ border. another thing is they fail to realise that most religions have blood in their history. the jews wiped out the amalekites, the catholics have the crusades, the protestants slaughtered mormons. blaming islam for terrorist is like blaming all prolife beliefs for clinic bombings. it is every bit as ignorant as racism.
No. It is going to get worse in preparation for WW3 between Islam & Zionist Israel. The media cartels are performing a wonderful job to accomplish the negative propaganda against Islam. My 2 cents.
Only if the assholes making it look bad somehow all die at once leaving the good people.
I think Islam is a wonderful religion.
not in the near future.
theby, this is aimed at you. For some reason I can't post a comment on my computer at work. What I was saying in regards to your statement "Making others appear wrong does not make one right" is absolutely correct, my intention was to point out that he's trying to dull his own issues by pointing out other peoples. For example, I could get a speeding ticket and then point out that other people have had DUI so it's not too bad or I could point out that other people have lost their license and the cops are just out to get quotas. If I do this, no one pays attention to the original point that I got a speeding ticket. Pustic is using the media hate engine to take the light off of his anti-semetism and racial/cultural/religious prejudice. If he screams at the top of his lungs "MUSLIMS ARE GOING TO KILL US" everyone gets scared of the content of his statement as opposed to realizing that the statement itself is arrogant and anti-semitic. He's making people not see his faults by using fear to stoke the fire of his own prejudice.
I put my comment here in error. Sorry.
yes, when we forgive Mr. Bush for antagonizing people to become terrorists.
Only decades after the last jihad, which is no time soon . . .
Negative views about a religion?! C'Mon! ;-)
Sure. When there are only Muslims (and a few dhimmi left) 2:193 fight until no more fitnah and all believe in Allah When the world is controlled by sharia it will be unlawful to express a negative view of Islam, the Qur'an or Muhammad.
When pigs fly mabie.
yes if muslims show their positive side to the world
it will be hard to lose a negative view when parts of the holy book actually condone acts of violence as a means of converting all the world to Islam. I am not being harsh in what i say as it is clearly stated in religious teachings of Islam that the ultimate goal is to have Islam the universal religion and to have all people follow it or pay a fee/tax to Muslims to stop being attacked/terrorised. The leaders of Islamic states are charged with the duty of sending forth an army to terrorise the infidels/unbelievers at least once a year or they will be sinning against allah
'Negative' views. How is disliking Islam for allowing a Muslim to kill an apostate negative? How is it a bad thing to dislike its teachings that a husband can beat his wife as a last resort, a bad thing? Does not sound like you know much about islam.
i sure hope so. because what u c does not represent islam .it is a distorted image. what u c on the media is all about power struggle .the terrorists are blood thirsty barbarians who want power and are trying to appease their conscience by connecting their actions to the cause of heavens . and the west is adding 'oil to the fire 'because of its financial interest in middle east.
OK, lets try and lighten up a little here,Ive just stumbled on this site, 2330, wed 09 December 09,and have been reading the question and answer format for over an hour,And there are some really intelligent queries, and equally smart replies, most emanating from ancient religious scripture, of all religious persuasion, NOW i think that the problems in to days world, will not be solved by constant reference to ancient religious dogma, mostly written by barely literate tribes men a long,long time ago, with there own interests foremost,its time humanity stopped reading these fairy tales, if sacred scripture is gods manifesto for life on earth, "who is doing the reading"?? lets accept the fact that were all doing our best,and stop throwing religious edicts at one another, we just might make it to the next century,! ?? "god willing"
perhaps if we looked paradoxically. wont they have much to shsare with us all? are they not dedicated to God? who is the supreme Judge? should we be frightened? not with that type of faith in fruition. in my opinion. bwdik? Only Father knows for sure. just wait til they here my sins. ouch. i am burning to be rid of this hell. please? Father can you hear me? where do i lack in faithfully trusting you have a plan for each individual? why would I think you do not know what is to come of your Hand? will you build with me Lord the way you would have me be? So that i may receive health to help others. If it be your Will. through the name of Jesus i pray, amen. am i scared? yes. Father will you please remove my fear in the name of Christ Jesus,amen. I shall remain to first seek Him. Then? who knows. a random act of kindness? hmmm. isnt that what the fine ladies and other fine folks who usually have the co-exist sticker would do? i hope so. im gonna say a bunch of dirty words soon......Oh,God please restrain my tongue so that mom dont slap my face with bad medicine. your servant faithfully,in the name of Jesus pray,that i may do no harm.
Only if people educate themselves on Islam and not just listen to propaganda on popular media.
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