• They say that you can't hear heartbeats with just a stethoscope until 6-7 weeks gestation. The other way you can try to tell is whether you can feel them yet or not. You can just barely feel them moving at 7 weeks, then they get really strong for about the last 10 days of pregnancy (you can see them moving through the skin without touching, in the last 10 days). Also, since you aren't sure when you can expect labor, I highly suggest that you start taking her temperature 2x's a day once you start feeling the pups move.. when they get strong you can move to 3x's a day if you want to, make sure you take the temp at (or close to) the same time everyday. Keep a chart of her temperatures and when it drops 2-3 degrees (for the appropriate time, they normally fluctuate throughout the day but the temp drop will be drastic and obvious if you start when you can feel them, and check 2x's every day) you can expect her to have them within 24 hours. Good Luck with them!

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