No but my mum seems to be. She likes to read the entertainment section of newspapers, surfs for showbiz news on the Internet and watches showbiz news on TV!
Sophia james882
Awww she is just like me
Addicted--No. Interested--Yes!
No. Repelled by it.
Nah, doesn't really interest me.
Naw, the glossy mags are annoying. But celebrity gossip is near impossible to avoid. Pick up any newspaper or click on any website and all you get are footballers, WAGS, Big Brother, The Royals and other nonsense. There are wars and famine and natural disasters happening and we are reading about William and Harry falling out of Boujis in a drunken stupor, or who Sienna Miller`s latest sexual tryst is with. Sad really.
No, but I enjoy it.
Nah, it doesn't interest me at all.
Not at all. I try to go out of my way to avoid it.
No, though I put up with it, and strangely enough, remember it!
No, I hate those people
NO. Hey, did you hear that Brittany is stupid?
Admittedly, yes.
Not at all. I rarely hear it or see it. It has no interest for me. It doesn't effect my life and from the little I hear, it sounds like they are irresponsible and attention starved. It's not the kind of news I care about.
no I could care less. I only read the tabloid covers at the check out for a laugh while I'm waiting in line.
No-and I don't like it when I get my hair done and they give me a gossip mag to look at-I find it boring and a little creepy-I don't like viewing celebrities from a peeping tom's point of view.
Naaa... I pretty much ignore anything celebs say or do yo...
Hmmnnn ...yep a bit ! Reminds me ....have to check what they've been upto lately :) !
No, I could care less.
No, I don't really get why it matters. I hate TV shows that are devoted to informing the public what is happening with movie stars and burn outs.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about what celebrity's are doing. I have no interest whatsoever.
i guess i am...when my sister was dying of cancer, i'd buy all the gossip mags i could get my hands on and we'd sit on her bed and read them together. it was so much that she's gone i still read them's not so fun anymore since i can't discuss them with her, but i guess it's a habit now.
Heck NO, I don't give a crap what dumb celebrities are doing. One magazine had a photo of German actress Diane Kruger with a bag of toilet paper.
IIE, I care nothing at all for such "kuso".
I could care less about what those self-important, uppity, hippies do. Don't care about their tweets or followers. Don't care what hair care products they're using. Don't care about their politics. Don't care what awards they're giving each other. Don't care about who they're marrying or divorcing.
No, not at all. I hate such crap.. Celebrities are often obnoxious and offensive, so I do not care what they do.
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