Only if they manage to catch my interest in the first couple of sentences.
Yes I do..I give really really long answers a you not read every word? :)
If it's a really really interesting question, yeah. But sometimes I'll skip them. If they don't hook me by the first couple sentances, I usually pass.
No, unless all the info is vital. I try to give short, simple answers.
Really really long answers my questions ...Yes ...else 'no' :) !
Only if they are not cut and pasted and if they are, they better be fascinating. I have read quite a few log essays that users have grafted from other sites onto the AB knowledge tree and have thoroughly enjoyed them.
If the subject really interests me I usually try to, but I have seen small pamphlets, here on AB, and I'm not going to invest that much time reading unless it were an emergency. So, because of that, if I find myself offering a long answer to a question, I usually go back and try to shorten it, if possible.
Yes if they are of interest to me and i can help with the an answer then of course! :)
I find that 95% of those ridiculously long answers are on religious subjects, and I hardly bother to even read the short answer when it's about religion, soo... But if the subject is something that truly interests me, I'll probably read it
yes i do, i cant comment on it if i hadnt read it, not only that but someone has put a lot of thought and effort into the answer so the least i could do is read it.:-)
As long as I'm interested in the topic and it seems to be relevant. I have seen some very irrelevant answers for questions that seemed to be several pages worth of content.
I do if it's something I'm really interested in.
only as long as it's interesting. but usually i give it a try at least
Yes . . . if I'm interested in the topic and the answer provides a lot of information on it.
They are usually the best. I even go to the links provided too! I love good answers. But, sometimes, long answers are just rhetoric. Beware, the good answers are being threatened by rhetoric!
sometimes , if its interesting enough i will
Sometimes..if topic is interested..
No however if you had anything to do with that, thank you from the bottom of my heart. : )
Yes, some, but not the ones that ramble on and on which, in fact, is most of them.
Depends on how you define really long answers. Also depends on how chatty and blathering it is. Never been a fan of Dickens, or others that require a paragraph to say a sentence. So long as it stays on point, and does not meander aimlessly, I'll read it.
Yep, that is on questions that I ask. I will more than likely respond with a really, really longer comment. :D
Seldom to never
As someone who can't talk short, YES...If they think it is important to say, I find it important to read!!! Occasionally I find one that loses the objective of the question & stop. Most of the time, I read it ALL!!!
If they interest me.
No. i skip it. There was once an answer that was 22pgs' on Word.exe
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