• I wasn't but I did my son & because of it he can draw really good. My art teacher encouraged this in high school never never give your children coloring books she said your using someone elses imagination always give your child blank paper & crayons or pencils ect. & allow them to draw & color & I did from the time he was old enough to grip a pencil also who don't encourage their imaginations with Santa Claus & the Easter Bunny & tooth fairies when they are small.
  • because if we use it. people tell us to stop acting like kids and grow up.
  • Because we don't want to end up in mental hospitals and tell psychiatrists about all our invisible little friends.
  • It doesn't except instead of being a train driver or cowboy, i fantasise about grown up things, trouble is now, i know the reality is that they won't come true. Boo hoo
  • Reality sets in, responsibility weighs heavily and one has little time for the delights of childhood. Then your kids are grown and on their retire..voila, time again to become the child you always were! :)
  • It doesn't, I'm 18 and I know that's still quite young but my imagination is very much alive. No matter where I am, what I'm doing or who I'm with I can slip into a sort of trance and start imagining/daydreaming. The only difference is that I'm imagining more grown up things and scenarios as opposed to imaginary friends (I've never actually have one, I feel quite left out). I live on my own planet and I love it! Too many people live on planet Earth.
  • I don't know, but I still do it. People will stare at me sometimes, but who cares....I'll just imagine their heads blowing up:)
  • I didn't have to be encouraged, I've always had a very vivid imagination. I was pretty much left to my own devices when I was growing up, three older sisters, who were only concerned with boys, and a brother who was too young to go "traipsing" off into the woods. I had a whole cast of characters to play out scenarios which I "dreamed up". Not imaginary friends in the true sense of the word, just characters I could summon or dismiss whenever I chose. As an adult I haven't the time to really indulge, but occasionally I will give my imagination it's rein and write it down in the form of a story.
  • As children we are amazed by the world, basically our own back yards and minds. As adults life produces so many challenges that we lose our innocence in seeing things as beauty and fantasy. But, it isn't lost just misplaced by responsibilities and such. We all have it, we just sometimes have to reaquaint ourselves with the child within.
  • In most cases, because most human organizations actively discourage their members from being creative. It's destablizing to the heirarchy.
  • I think a lot of "The Little Prince" is about capturing the imagination of adults who have become cynical to the world. Here are some quotes from the book: If you tell grown-ups, "I saw a beautiful red brick house, with geraniums at the windows and doves on the roof...," they won't be able to imagine such a house. You have to tell them, "I saw a house worth a hundred thousand francs." Then they exclaim, "What a pretty house!" ... I have had, in the course of my life, lots of encounters and lots of serious people. I have spent lots of time with grown-ups. I have seen them at close range... which haven't much improved my opinion of them. All grown-ups were children first. (But few remember it).
  • Oh, yeah I was encouraged to use my imagination. I was born in post WWII Germany to American parents but until I was about 12 my mother "jokingly" told me I was a German war orphan. And when it rained that I had "made the angels cry".
  • Reality based on experience makes imagination/fantasies fade away.
  • Ever see Scrubs? I'm just like the JD character.
  • We were encouraged to use our imaginations. I worked in child care for many years and there we encourage and participated in using the imaginations. So mine has not diminished over the years! I still have it and always will. But it has its time and place as an adult. +5

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