• what is the ratio of Poles to Brits in England?
  • 1) "As a result of Poland’s turbulent history, in which parts of Poland were conquered by both German and Russian soldiers, Poles may never know if their ancestors were purely Polish. Rather, it’s likely that their ancestors have German and Russian blood in them. Sadly, thus is the fate of all of Poland. Scholars refer to Poland’s search identity as the "Polish question." With a history of foreign invasion and control, the "Polish question" is as much about a nation’s desire for independence as it is a people’s search for identity. As Polish independence deteriorated, so too did a people’s sense of identity. There is a period in Poland’s history, from 1795 to 1914, that has come to be known as "the captivity." During these one hundred and twenty years, a united Polish state was nonexistent as Poles were forced to live under the control of three separate alien governments. The Russians, Prussians, and Austrians not only assumed control of Polish lands, but in assimilating Polish youth and making them unaware of their rich heritage, destroyed Polish nationalism as well (Schmitt, 49). Poles emigrated to the United States not only to escape political persecution and economic hardships, but to find an answer to the "Polish question." " Source and further information: 2) "The very name Slavophiles indicated that the characteristics of the Slavs were based from their ethnicity, but at the same time Slavophiles believed that Orthodoxy equaled Slavdom. This belief was opposed by very existence of Poles within Russian Empire, who while having Slavic origins were also deeply Roman Catholic, the catholic faith forming one of core values of Polish national identity Also while Slavophiles praised the leadership of Russia over other nations of Slavic origins, the Poles very identity was based on West European culture and values and resistance to Russia was seen by them as resistance to something representing alien way of life. As a result Slavophiles were particularly hostile to Polish nation often emotionally attacking it in their writings When the Polish uprising of 1861 started, Slavophiles used anti-Polish sentiment to create feelings of national unity in Russian people, and the idea of cultural union of all Slavs was abandoned. With that Poland became firmly established to Slavophiles as symbol of Catholicism and Western Europe, that they detested, and as Poles were never assimiliated within the Russian Empire, constantly resisting Russian occupation of their country, in the end Slavophiles came to belief that annexation of Poland was a mistake due to fact that Polish nation couldn't be russified." Source and further information: 3) Further information:,Polish,Question,348.html

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