Asleep. Then coffee. :)
Hot coffee and one of your great questions :)
Coffee and AB. At least lately.
Get up, make coffee, take a cup to my husband, wake him up, wake my son up, set the washing machine, turn on the PC, wash my face, brush my teeth, defrost and/or prepare lunch, grab a cup of coffee and sit down to my PC 30 minutes after waking up!
A cup of hot coffee and a steamy, hot shower.
A cuppa tea. Gets the heart rate up and the blood pressure.
Tears of pain, self-inflicted pain, cursing the sun (and that f%#&ing bird that has taken roost in my tree). Then I have some coffee and put on my happy face :)
with a smile thinking about last night, even if it was a dream ;}
Coffee, plenty of it!!
Reading. :)
Toast & coffee (Tim Horton's)
with the words "oh god, here we go again"!! but i'm sure that will change when i'm done with all of my finals!
First I think "crap," then I go to the bathroom, let our herd of dogs outside, have some Coke and a cigarette, then start my day.
coffee breakfast and music
With a Kiss and a cuddle from my man then the kids come in and we have 5 minutes in bed all together.
To the sound of my rooster and the horse at my window This time of year still quite dark with a heavy mist Vitamins for me ... feed the animals ... then feed me Following this daily routine ... the day begins I love my life ... so I do look forward to every morning I don't care who you are ... or where you are from If you ever come my way you are most welcome to stay, and allow me the opportunity to show you my mornings.
By finally going to bed. :p
I sit up, I look around like I'm confused. Then I open my blinds and get out of bed. Then I stub my toe on the bed frame. Then I'm awake. =P
Depends. Either kiss & snuggle with my boyfriend, or else groan a little and then go take a shower.
Well, I lay there in bed, for a moment to gather my thoughts and then I ring the bell. My maid brings me breakfast, my butler lays out my clothes and prepares my bath. Then I wake up and make myself coffee.
Open eyes, gaze outside at the scenery, welcome the day, roll over, kiss hubby good morning:-)
I don't I wake up past noon.
I hit the snooze button repeatedly until it gets tired of going off.
Coffee, Coffee, and Coffee!
First I throw myself out of bed...then I throw myself into the shower....then I throw myself into some new cloths. There's a lot of throwing involved in my mornings. :P
I wake up saying, "not this s**t again".
Usually with a mountain-bike ride to work. Sometimes a bit of a run. Sometimes a bit of gym. Some mornings are so nice it is really, really hard to get off the bike, go inside and start work...
With my hand between my legs, thinking about Kellyanne in a kimono.
Peeing! Some days I make it to the bathroom first!
we are dough 68I'm so happy you live on the ground floor.
by going to the bathrm
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