Im not sure. were they messing around? this question is quite odd so im gonna go with uhm go with your best judgment? haha
did you record it, if so i want a copy :-P
That's called a Tuesday where I come from....
Since you didn't indicate that any sexual activity was involved. I'd have to say no, it's not cheating. I'd consider it weird, and wonder what the "F" is going on. And have a long talk with her about it.
If there hadn't been a goat then things would be ok, but since there was a goat involved, yes, it is cheating.
If she said "Honey, this isn't what you think!" then it's cheating. If she said "We were just waiting for YOU!" Then it's not.
It is only alright if the guys were just there to hold the giraffe's leash and the video camera. No crossing swords.
It depends was there any whipped cream involved in the porno?
Well what did you expect? Goats eventually go with their own kind sooner or later. Joke joke joke joke JOKE
Not if your girlfriend is one the inflatable types.
Who cares, jump in on that. Sounds like a fing good time!
Have you ever had sex with a Clown?
No clowns or dwarfs huh!.....she sounds a little weird.
Mmmm...I'd be worried if a goat was involved....
Hecks NO.. That's cash money for you if you get it on video though!
no, but you should ask to join in
did you talk to her about it? Maybe there was some confusion.
i cannot answer without investigating this closer on a more personal level . please give me her name, address and phone number.i will give you the answer in 1 fee will be based on how much evidence i can produce. if you are lucky (and so am i) this may be pro- bono case....
I'd say a law was broken some where. Not to mention your bed springs. This is so "WTF?" even I'm hoping you got a video.
Not unless there was also a dwarf, hobbit, and elf in the group. She was probably just keeping the poor critters warm.
She's into goatplay? That's hott, with two t's
Yes. There is no need to watch porn to get ideas in this situation. She ought to have been able to do this without the porn. Watching porn is cheating.
No. What kind of question is that. It would only be cheating if you joined in. Duh
As long as the goat didn't enjoy it, it's ok
was the other girl Paris Hilton? If so then it could legitimately have been a movie role for your g/f and not cheating at all....ya know Paris is always looking for extras in her films....lmao
Nope. Now had there been a dwarf or a clown, THEN that would be cheating.
Yes but only because there was not a little person dressed as a pirate.
hahahaha! No, you're just paranoid.
Were you wearing a fur suit or watching incest porn? If so then um well I have nothing.
1) No, it was probably Candid Camera. 2)Are you sure it was not a goat giraffe?
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explaination for all of it.........;)
u have one freaky girlfriend and yea it is cheating, i would say that is absolutly horrible and i would either join her or dump her lol
I'd draw the line on the goat. The rest isn't too bad lol
iam sorry to say but i think thats cheating it would be different if there was just porno but she was with 2 other guys
Yes it is. Dump her ass and get someone who appreciates your feelings. She obviously has image issues.
what part did the giraffe have in the whole thing? it sounds like my ex, except instead of a giraffe it was an armadillo.
you should be a standup comedian.
I'd be more worried that she had the appropriate shots and she didn't catch anything from the goat and giraffe. Also, it depends on what actions were taken with whom.
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