• No it wasn't scary.
  • It was scary in that it was based on a true story and because it is creapy to know that there are little pockets of people out there... right now... that do things like that for shits and giggles... Like the comissioner said of the Joker in Batman. "Just because he can." That aspect of it makes it less of a slasher film and more of a psychological fear. So yes, in that respect, I did find it scary!
  • i saw the previews and that was enough for me
  • Oh my God it was scary , i couldint sleep afterwards ,strange i've never reacted like the to any movies like that, i guess the fact that it was based on actual events made it soooo real for me ,and watching it late at night did aad to the scariness gosh i kept seing the masked man everytime i tried closing my eyes afterwards.
  • I saw it with a bunch of people who were FREAKED out about it, so i actually enjoyed it. But the ending was just creepy
  • Not really. I thought the couple could of gotten away had they done just a couple of things a little different, and it also ended weird. I wanted the movie to get into who exactly the people were who killed them.

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