• its just for simplicity, its automatically assumed that everyone knows how to speak all other languages.
  • The writers and creators of Stargate decided that it would be too complicated to make each world have a different language so most of all the other worlds were populated by people from earth they kept the language the same. The show doesn't really address how many people can speak or understand the different languages they do come across.
  • Star Trek at least had a universal translator issued to all starfleet personnel. And in the Hithchiker's Guide to the Galaxy they stuck a fish in your ear.
  • Sure they are. But how the heck would you be able to enjoy an series of hour long shows where you had to translate everything? Either you mysteriously translate everything with some gadget or psyonics, or just ignore it and concentrate on the plot developement.
  • i know! that's so annoying right? why would every planet two teams encounter on two shows conveniently speak english? i mean, look at earth, one planet with like a hundred different languages so its ridiculous to say thousands of planets across two galaxies all speak the language the explorers speak. yes i realise it's more convenient but at least an explanation would be nice, because the 'they're originally from earth' argument is stupid, as i said, tons of different languages on earth, not to mention modern english wasn't even one of them when the galaxies were being populated. if anything, the universal language should be ancient scince they are the ones responsible for the human populations everywhere. i apologise for the rant, and i don't actually know, sorry.
  • The Stargate itself allows travelers to communicate with each other. It's sort of like an invisible universal translator. Someone up there had it right, though, when they said that initially the producers didn't want to have to deal with the first ten minutes of the episode being dedicated to learning how to speak in another planet's language. So they eventually introduced the Stargate as a universal translator. That still doesn't explain to me, though, why some people can speak in another language and not be understood while in the proximity or after having gone through the 'gate.
  • Either everyone speaks English, or they'd have to put up subtitles every time a non Terran (an alien or a human not from Earth) says something. That would alienate a lot of people who don't like reading while they're watching TV. These people aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but I digress. Everyone speaks English because it's television. You have to be willing to suspend your disbelief.

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