• awww thats awefull,sorry about that,Now you sould be able to get to the spot she must ove crawed there sum how and pour lime,the powdered fo-rm ova,this should speed up the decomp-ok.if no go may bee a pro-cleaner.
  • Dear Ebzaar, Thanks for the help. Unfort, I can't get to where she is. She's inside the dashboard somewhere. I saw advice about putting an onion to absorb the smell. Ever hear about that?
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you. We've had mice die in our walls and even a snake, once. And my parents had a skunk die under their vacation home! The mice don't stay 'smelly' for too long if the weather is warm and dry. But if it gets humid, it takes longer. I'd say that two weeks would be enough time to wait for no smell. But you might be able to make it go quicker by using a dehumidifier or running the air conditioner in the car. You just want the body to dry up and be dessicated. Hope this helps a little.
  • Take the car to the shop and pay to have it removed. The stench can permeate whatever it is laying on.

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