What operating system are you using?
the only way is to open case and take a magnify glass and look at card, it will have name and number on it, kinda hard way to go about it but if you aren't going to hook up to internet, one other way is to take a jump drive to PC with internet and download a program called Belarc, its free. Run on PC and it might tell you what type of sound card you have as well as HD, software and Keys. If you were on internet you could do the following: FINDING DRIVERS GO TO JOIN FOR FREE LET THE SITE SCAN SYSTEM THIS TELL YOU WHATβS ON YOU SYSTEM AND LETS SITE KNOW ALSO SO THEY CAN HELP YOU LOOK FOR THINGS YOU ARE NOW FREE TO SEARCH FOR DRIVERS ONCE YOU FIND THEM, DOWNLOAD TO YOUR DESKTOP FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION SCAN FILE BEFORE OPENING, THIS IS A GOOD PRACTICE THEN GO TO CONTROL PANEL SYSTEM HARDWARE DEVICE MANAGER RIGHT CLICK ON THE ITEM THAT NEEDS DRIVER AND LET WIZARD INSTALL DRIVER (THIS SITE ALLOWS UP TO 10 FREE DOWNLOADS PER DAY, THE ONLY THING YOU WILL HAVE TO DO IS RATE YOUR FILES THAT YOU FOUND) SMALL PRICE FOR FREE SOFTWARE hope one of these helps you.
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