Sorry Cinders but I don't. Would you care for any leftover Stuffed Manicotti that I have?
Definately, goes great with Philly beef steaks, that and onions and chedder cheese.
I keep it in the cupboard.
Am never without it.
i don't use it, and neither do my that'd be a negative...
No, I have the Wal*Mart store brand (which actually IS A-1, only with a different label).
I eat my food plain, no salt, pepper, condiments, and very few spices.
Nah. Not the real stuff....I have the Kroger store brand, though. Tastes the same to me!
I do. I like A-1, but I eat it on sandwiches and fries and NOT on steak.
yup its great >>--CC->
We do..Jim likes it from time to time on various things. I don't use it myself! :)
No, I dont think of it anymore, but we always had it when I was a kid. My dad loved it! It's best on steaks. Pretty good on fries. Only so-so on a burger.
No, I have the cheap store brand version. It is the Hytop brand, cheaper, and I really think this one tastes better.
Yes, I keep a huge bottle here for my boys, they love it.
Holy crap I almost asked this yesterday. No I don't, and I have never bought it. But I have a recipe that calls for it so it is on my list.
I think the A1 sauce in my fridge must have been there for over a year. Thanks for reminding me about it.:)
None, I don't use steak sauce as I rarely eat steak and that's not how I like it. Plus I don't add it to any dishes I make.
Oh yeah! A big thing of it!
A1, Heinz57 and a homemade steak/barbecue type sauce
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