Chuck Norris' Now watch this video and tell me that Bruce Lee doesn't own Chuck Norris.
chuck norris lol
I was thinking Chuck Norrī, myself.
That wouldn't be the dreaded Chuck MultiNorris, would it?
2 Many
A brace if there's two. A traid for three. A covey for four. Four to 114- a gaggle 114 to 25 squared is a pride. More Chuck Norris's than 25 squared is just a ridiculous notion!
Charly Snores
Chuck Norrises?
Nori, because you nori would survive if we crossed paths with them.
Chuck Norris'
chukis norri
There is no plural for Chuck Norris. While the English language tried for a short period of time, Chuck Norris promptly twitched his eyebrows at the English language and said "There is no other Chuck Norris." Then he followed up with a swift, but potent, roundhouse kick to the English languages face. You may be thinking to yourself: How does the English language have a face? Well, seeing as Chuck Norris wouldn't roundhouse kick the intangible object, the English language, without a face(and yes, I said wouldn't. He could. He just didn't want to. In fact, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks intangible objects for fun), he called for the Devil to provide the English language a face to be swiftly, but potently, roundhouse kicked to the face. The Devil, for fear of getting the same fate as the English language, quickly obliged.
Up-chuck Norris.
half the man he used to be
The plural for Chuck Norris? The PLURAL?? There can never BE a plural, because there is only one, and one only, Chuck Norris. No man, no beast, nor God may equal the man who is made of awesome. XD
Bruce Lee's bitchcakes.
lol! this question is hilarious! chuck norris has become part of comic relief of 2008 i swear! how 'bout chuck norrisies haha...maybe danny bonaduce...[chuck norris is silly]
there is only one!
Chuck Norri
Chuck Norrises..
Chuck Norris?:D lol
The first name is pluralized, not the last: Chucks Norris, ( Not to be confused with Nunchuku ).
Chuck Norris is the null form. Chuck-a-rris is singular. Chuck-rrises is plural. ;-)
There is no plural of Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris was born, God didn't destroy the mold...Chuck Norris did with a roundhouse kick from the crib. There can be only one...
There can be only on Chuck Norris - the universe could not contain two and would rip apart.
The plural of Chuck Norris? That's pretty easy - OH CRAP!
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