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  • Be nice to them first and see were it goes from there.
  • The big question is: Are you absolutey sure you want to do this? If yes, then the answer is: Yes. You can. Since it comes under the aegis of BDSM, I shall assume you're speaking of a BDSM sex slave. The second biggest question: Does the person you want to be a slave- want to be a slave? If yes, half the work is done. If no, then legally and ethically, you should desist from trying to get them to. If ethics mean nothing to you, then I'd suggest you read the works of Macchiavelli to get you started upon the path of mental reprogramming. Study religious cult programming for one. But even the most compliant sub will need to have some notion of control. If you want a slave, you also become a Master/Mistress. And being such, entails a great responsibility. First and foremost, any slave will need to know that you will be there for them. Even if that means sacrificing some of your comfort for them. After all, it's a two way street. You're not going to be throwing them away like a wad of chewing gum when you're tired of them. For this notion I'd recommend you take a look at the following movies: The Secretary. It will give you the idea of what some folks look for in a Master. And what kind of person looks for such. Many subs are on the look out for the perfect Master, and are willing to go through many of them to find the perfect one to give themselves to. And then I'd recommend that you watch: Fatal Attraction. For you may find yourself with the subbie who thinks she's found the perfect Master and won't leave you alone. I say this from personal experience. Last question: Can YOU be the Perfect Master to your obedient slave?
  • I am assuming that your someone in question is already a close partner? And my 'obedient slave.' I'm guessing that you're wanting a 24/7 M/s relationship? Has he/she already demonstrated submissive tendencies? More importantly, do you express the traits of a Dom/me? Your submissive MUST confidently, and without coercion, answer the following questions... (i'm using the generic term 'he', i apologize if thats incorrect in your case) 1. Does he have a natural, unmistakable desire to serve you? 2. Is he ready to let himself go? 3. Are BOTH of you in a stable place in life? 4. Have you and your submissive discussed anything and everything you could think of about such a lifestyle? 5. Do both of you have enough real-time BDSM experience? If that's all taken care of, create a slave contract (samples everywhere online, just search). If it feels more comfortable, note somewhere in the contract that this enslavement is only temporary, as a testing period of sorts. Go for a week, a month, whatever. You just don't want to jump into 24/7 before realizing that it may *not* be perfect for you as a couple. Once both of you feel ready, draft a 24/7, permanent (if you feel its right) slave contract and arrange a formal collaring ceremony. At the collaring ceremony, announce any plans for your partner, as well as any new behavior rules in immediate effect, etc. You're the boss now, so prove it! An obedient slave is the result of a properly trained slave. There is no single algorithm for slave training. It is something that only you and your sub can define. I used to be a very impulsive and anxiety-ridden individual until I discovered the pleasures of being a slave. I became a slave because I wanted to do so- this is key. Everything must be consensual in negotiating this lifestyle. Once I was able to honestly answer those 5 questions above without any doubt, I knew I was ready for my collar. I was instructed to henceforth address my Owner as either "Mistress" or "Ma'am" at all times. Mistress also gave me a couple various butt-plugs and a chastity belt (CB-6000) immediately after locking my collar in place. Training was very difficult at first- I was frustrated and confused for a few days. I had to adjust to not speaking unless spoken to first (a locking ball-gag for an hour or two every time taught me a lesson!). I also had to wear a butt-plug to work daily, and any time I left the house without my Mistress. I was also introduced to the idea of preventative discipline- daily discipline (via paddling, flogging, strap-on, whatever) as one of the first orders of business for the day. After a month, I felt much more used to the routines... in fact, I started looking forward to them every morning (and still do!) I was asked to accept my enslavement for the rest of my life by getting married. We had the ceremony last year. As a reminder of my life-long dedication to service, I was presented a butt-plug harness and have been kept permanently plugged since. Mistress holds the keys to the harness and I only get 2-3 short toilet breaks per day, so I had to teach myself to make the absolute most of them! I became much more obedient and submissive after Mistress installed my butt-plug as a continuous reminder. I am denied control of my most basic and essential of all biological functioning-even my most independent of human decisions has been removed. I have become dependent as a result- in effect, Mistress has helped me to obey whether I want to or not. Last spring, my Mistress felt confident enough in my obedience levels that She lent me out to some close girlfriends of Hers (none of whom where in the lifestyle) as a slave waiter for a get-together. I was naked aside from my chastity-belt, butt-plug harness, slave collar, and a ball-gag; all of which were locked securely in place for the evening. Mistress set out paddles and a riding crop and demonstrated how to use them. The entire event was humiliating, but I was able to prove my willingness to do anything Mistress asks of me. My personal example of slave training is, as I said, one of many ways to enslave a partner, and I am grateful for having received it. With that said, I wish you the best of luck!

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