• Depends on what state you live in and how many hours you work.
  • OK math time Fast food employees are paid on minimum wage. The state with the highest min. wage is California with $8/hour and the lowest amount is $5.85 for Virginia, Texas and a few others. Let's say part time is 20 hours a week, so the range would be 40 times $8=$160 and 40 times 5.85= $117 So not including taxes you would earn between $117 and $160 a week.
  • oregon its $7.95 an hour. adverage hours is 4-8 hours, 5 days a week. close to 300 every 2 weeks here
  • Depends on where you work. In the US:
  • Depends how much you make an hour, asnd most of the time its not worth it.
  • What wage are you making per hour? How many hours are you working?

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