• It's no different than life Sweetheart, and yes thats true with some people here.
  • Not true. There are plenty of great people here who get along and are themselves. No one is perfect here. But there is such a thing as being polite and respectful of others, even when they disagree or have a different opinion. There are plenty of opinions too as you've found out. So they are different from yours. That's what makes the world go round, but most people know better than to immediately retaliate with name calling and accusations. Instead they present their arguments and discuss things or agree to disagree. That is how this community works here. Those that don't know how to be polite don't stay here for very long. It's no different than if you were invited into someone's home and you have to interact with other guests. No brawling allowed.
  • No, it is not. I have an opinion, though I am lacking in a sense of humor :(
  • If you are truly honest and sincere, then I think you are a better asset to this website than the people who think they are someone just because they have an opinion or a sense of humour.
  • Nah. Maybe you just had a few bad experiences, but go on and speak your mind!
  • Naaa, couldn't be further yo...
  • Speak your mind. I find most people here will disagree with me (and DR me) but there`s always a few level headed people who will back me up.
  • it feels that way sometimes here , but there are some fun, dare I say subversive souls who don't belong at AB Stepford
  • I'm sorry you feel that way :O(
  • Looks like you had a run-in with an ass... ignore them and enjoy the site. Welcome to AB!
  • I have been downrated for stating an opinion, and I'm sure that's happened to everyone else on this site. That has never stopped me from stating my opinion, and I hope it won't stop you either. What gets people into trouble is attacking others (name-calling, disrespectful language). Sometimes people will resent a humorous answer to a serious question and others might react negatively to that, or they might not realize you are joking. After all, they don't know you. Downrates don't take away from your points total, if you are concerned about that. I think the best way to enjoy yourself here is to ingore points altogether.
  • Thanks Lyn from New I don't care about points, unless they can be converted into fried foods...That may make me more adaptable.. just kidding Thanks!!!!!!
  • That is very only a handful of people will give you a hard time. Mostly, everyone here is great! (especially you!) :D
  • You're absolutely right. I often give answers that tell it like it is and are less PC and I get DR. Others get points for shooting back your typical politically correct bullshit.
  • I don't think so. I know a lot of people on this site who are pretty outgoing about their opinions and seem to do just fine. And I would say that the people that are able to make people laugh are probably among some of the most popular on this site. And I don't think I've ever met anyone that's perfect.
  • Why are you stirring the pot..I admit I have been obnoxious at times..Thanks for dredging up bad memories Andy.,
  • Goodness Gracious.this was a question I asked months ago..I've alreday said I am sorry for being snippy..let it go
  • please let it go ...I think I was already in the box for this or something else ..anyway I've served my time..I think Andy should go to the box for stirring up old stuff
  • I have my opinions and some of the questions just ASK for a humorous answer, even if they're not meant to be in jest. I just can't help giving a funny answer sometimes. I usually always tell the questionaire (is that right) well, I say, 'this is only my opinion'. Ive been DRd for the most rediculous answers. I still enjoy being an ABr every day:D
  • No. I have found that if I give my opinion, for the most part, it is accepted (not always agreed with). Humour, on the other hand, can be misconstrued. It can be interpreted as being cynical or even belittling to someone who is sensitive. I try to avoid the type of humour where the other person really needs to see your face to know you mean nothing sarcastic or whatever. I read comments sometimes which seem rude and cruel in response to the ABers question.....I think mostly that isn't how it was meant to be construed...but it comes across all wrong. You will find there are some really nasty folk on here...few and far between...but that's life. Don't let them get you down!
  • i get in trouble all the time. :( but thats okay. it was worth it!
  • It is true that if you're opinion isn't the "popular" opinion, you will get down rated, and hounded mercilessly by idiots thinking they run the show, and are always right, and have the right to scrutinize and insult you because of your difference of opinion. Those people are easily spotted though, and, in my mind, jokes who I don't really take seriously after a run in with them.
  • Yes that is very true!!!
  • I agree with you, sometimes I have ask questions that I need answers to, and sometimes I get opinions from other AB members about how irrational my question is, or that is a duplicate, so definetely people need to show more respect to the needs of others.
  • Trouble SMubblle - be as much dick as you want - its just an account - make a new one if your banned But one thing though "Do it for the Lulz" and not for reals
  • I don't know what you mean by perfect. I have seen some pretty way-out questions and don't think anything of it. No one is in trouble.

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