• You seem like a nice, reasonable and caring guy, from what I've seen here on AB - I don't object to your politics at all - why should I? :)
  • Eeeek, its not catching is it ? LOL, Each to thier own :-)
  •'s not so much the socialist part...
  • From my very limited interaction with you I have nothing but pleasant things to say about you. I honestly don't care what your world views are, you are nice to me. As far as I can tell, you are nice to others. That is what I base my judgment of you on. I can't say that I agree with socialism, but since I am not your wife, I can't see that as being a huge issue.
  • no because we all have freedom to have whatever views you might want. socialism isnt very bad. its more for the people protecting the people from monopolies is a good thing i dont understand why people get so uptight about that. you sound like a good person, im for people's rights. so voicing your opinion is one of them.
  • Do I think less of you? No. Actually I think more of you, because I never thought of you at all before. However, I do believe, that if you believe in socialism enforced by government, you have not really done an in depth study of the history of socialism and its effects on freedom and prosperity. As a person, I am sure that you are friendly, and obviously, you are open with your ideas.
  • Hi GreenFreak! We are all entitled to our beliefs. Do you think less of me because I'm American?
  • I like you, GreenFreak. You're a good ABer, as far as I'm concerned. Your political viewpoint is fine with me.
  • Hi GreenFreak! My name is Cheery Cherry but you can just call me Cherry :). I do not think less of you just because you are a socialist - I believe it has its pros and cons just like with capitalism.
  • I think highly of you because you are honest about who and what you feel that you are. There are a few good things to say about socialism and there are negative things to just as this is the case with every political ideology. Rock on Buddy!!!
  • Not at all. We have all sorts of political orientations in Italy, from very red to very black and everything in between, and I have had many socialist friends in my lifetime. Even a boyfriend that was one. No prob here...
  • I think more of you.
  • i don't care either way. doesn't matter to me.
  • if you don't have a problem with my anarchistic points of view, then we are all good.
  • hi greenfreak :) im gabby, but just call me gabby :) and i don't think you made me think less of ya. you'll have to try harder next time :P
  • I'm not having a problem with your socialistic stance, but your antoagonistic and defensive question makes me not care to learn anymore about you. Too bad--that keeps you from spreading your message to people who might be receptive. Tone it down GreenFreak....
  • Communism is one flavor of socialism. The problems with communism that I see are: (1) it has been implemented only via mass murder; (2) it is always administered thru a strong, ruthless centralized government; (3) with no reward to the individual for success, there is inadequate incentive to work, innovate and take risks. Last time I met someone who claimed to be a socialist, I asked her what socialism was, and she couldn't tell me anything beyond "sleeping on the floor until all my brothers have beds." It would make more sense to open up a bed factory; but anyway, she didn't sleep on the floor, and she didn't say who her brothers were. So, my reaction is that either you are in favor of mass murder, theft and ruthless centralized governments; you haven't thought about it; or you are just trying desperately to appear non-mainstream.
  • There's different kinds of socialism, I would judge you more for whether or not you're one sided.
  • I have read a bunch of socialist literature, and I have never seen any kind of concrete vision of what they propose. Lots of complaining about rich people and poor people, and a vague implication that the world will be better if only they are in charge of it.
  • I would have to ask you what is your definition of socialism.
  • Nope, doesn't change my feelings towards you at all. You can be whatever you want to be, just keep being here +
  • I think more of you now that you've opened up about that aspect of yourself. If you look to your left you'll see me. ;)
  • It sounds like a meeting of Socialists Anonymous. :)
  • I dont think less of you i proberbly will dissagree with you on a lot of things lol.
  • Different strokes for different folks. I have no feelings one way or the other about what/who you are. As long as we are both open to listen to each other.
  • To be honest, the first impression that I form of you, based upon the two pieces of information I have, your name and what you choose to identify yourself as, yes, it did make me think less of you. However, this is not to say I'm not up to discuss some of these things with you. The only reason I think less is based upon generalities I have constructed concerning people with "freak" or "green" in their name who hold unpopular political allegiances. The dislike I have for a person who declares themselves socialist only comes from my disagreement with its basic tenants, and generalities about the kinds of people that call themselves "socialist". If you feel like continuing, maybe in a spirited debate, I'll set aside my predispositions as best as I can and maybe we can chat.
  • G'day GreenFreak, Thank you for your question. No. I don't have a high opinion of socialism as a political syatem but I don't take it personally against those people who follow it. Regards
  • No, it does not make me think less of you. I think everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and who am I to judge? I may not necessarily agree with socialism, but I don't think less of those who do.
  • It makes no difference to me because I don't know what a socialist is. I took social studies in grade school, so maybe I'm a socialist.
  • No I don't think less of you... the opposite in fact. Do you think less of me because i'm what is mose easily described as an Anarchist?
  • Term is so broad as to be meaningless. To narrow things down a bit, is the essence of socialism state ownership or working class rule? Either way, I don't think less of you, but if the latter, I probably agree with you.
  • You know I think very highly of you, and your political and environmental stances. Hugs, GreenFreak!
  • American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This soยทcialยทism (sร…ย'shร‰โ„ข-lร„ยญz'ร‰โ„ขm) Pronunciation Key n. *Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. * **The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved. ** Well, I like your name a lot, but I disagree with socialism. Ciao.
  • My feelings towards socialists? I usually assume they are quite young. Youth tends to trend socialist. It's forgivable. If you were middle-aged, however, I'd probably think you were a tad foolish. (I also found it a bit funny that you said it like you were at an AA meeting. "Hi, my name is Greenfreak and I'm a socialist." I think I'm supposed to respond "Hi, Greenfreak.") ;-)
  • I admire your courage in admitting to being a socialist, and I respect socialists deeply. I may have one disagreement with you, though. I am not sure of your views on the matter, but I believe in the present context the left shoud stand behind Obama even though he is not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination. I think in the last election Kerry might have won if the left had not wasted votes on Nader or other left of center candidates. If we make the same mistake again, we run the risk of McCain being elected, and that would be a disaster on the same scale as the George Bush phenomenon.
  • Not at all. I would probably disagree with you, but you've every right to make your own mind up, as we all have.
  • To tell you the truth, although I don't personally hold solicalism in high regard (I'm more of a "he governs best who governs least" kind of guy) I think quite highly of those who have strong beliefs and stick by them. However your nick, GreenFreak, does make me think less of you. This is a "knee-jerk" reaction, that I have tried to overcome but it is very difficult. I come from an area where a great majority of "greenies" are a bunch of ignorant fad conscious wanna-bes, with little or no true belief in the movement, just a desire to be seen believing in the movement. Hope this helps.
  • KILL THE SOCIALIST! *foams at the mouth* I hear conservatives bad mouth socialists all the time, personally I'm more of a moderate with an open mind to new ideas so I don't give damn about most people's political views unless utter lunacy like conservatives views on homosexuals.
  • Oh.. So basically, you are a Republican? No, I dont hate you... I just dont vote for you because you're always accusing Democrats of being socialists, when you are exactly that thing yourself. You just dont usually admit it outright and just do it anyway without asking.
  • No, I don't. You're entitled to your own philosphies on how the world should be run.
  • Be a socialist, but as for me, I will stick to the things that made my country GREAT, & socialism was not one of them!
  • Socialism is nothing more than a political philosophy and not a human characteristic. Therefore, it is quite possible I may find you to be a very amiable individual and merely disagree vehemently with your politics
  • Bravo! Nope, it didn't make me think any less of you at all. In fact, it made me think very highly of you.
  • Who cares as long as you do not try to implement it in America. There are plenty of socialist coutries for you to choose from to live in.
  • It's perfectly fine with me as long as you're not American or want to live in America. Socialism is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind for America. And I sincerely hope America returns to the way our Forefathers invisioned America to be soon.
  • No. I ain't judgemental. I appreciate *anyone* with *any* thoughts and feelings to express! ;-)
  • Not at all. In its most basic form, socialism is "intervention of a government or an organization in social affairs." What's wrong with a government wanting to ensure the provision of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care for its citizens? The problem often lies in the various ways socialist governments choose to accomplish these goals.
  • No I hate you just as much as anyone else
  • Yeah I already knew, doesn't change my opinion. I am very Republican, but not quite conservative, does that change your opinions about me?
  • Hmmm,"than until I told you this"? No, I understand you have problems.
  • As many others have said it covers a broad spectrum, but no, it would have no bearing on whether I liked you or not, and I am in that spectrum too anyway.
  • I think your politics leads to utter failure so if you want to be an utter failure then that is your choice.
  • not at all..does it make u think less of others when they tell u where they stand? there isn't a name for mine, I call myself a REALIST...daughter is a socialist, a people person, but most unreal....she stands for nothing and anything goes...i am constantly telling her, "i cannot believe u actually said that was acceptable behavior.." she just really doesn't want to get involved...just go with the flow...I am more of a "Whoooooooa, wait a minute, I do not think so, GET REAL!!" she's coming around though...she does not want this to rub off on her son....and its not!! he will let u know that is not acceptable .. but its all our perogative to look at life however we choose....i have a different character judgement rather than all the political labels: passive, ethical, strong or weak character, loose or strong morals, common sense or not much common sense...compassion or uncompassion for fellowman,.... no debating, we are who we are...justme
  • yes you did, i believe your views will take us all down. the idea of us all taking care of each other will not work, especially not through a central government. alot of the "victoms in this country are victims of their own unwillingness to do for themselves
  • Yes, at first i thought you were anti-american, but its America you have the right to express who you are, so good for you. Anyway america was founded on citizens who didnt like their government, its only natural for people to dislike the people and policies ruling over them.
  • Hi GreenFreak. Nope, it doesn't bother me one bit. (Even after I Googled 'Socialist' because I am a dork and didn't know exactly what it meant ;)
  • it made me want you, all over me...
  • It makes me think that you are an easily led person, who wants other people to support your lazy ass. The only people who truly think that socialism is the best way to go, are those who expect to gain from it, by not having to work as hard, as other people do. People who are willing to give up their freedom to become dependent on their government for everything, are weak and lazy.
  • I don't think less of you, we just have different opinions
  • i think "green" also greenfreak , but not so much socialist as fair and common sense "ist".... i don't think less of u...i just think u have ur way of thinking and i have mine....and we all have that "freedom" THINK as we want ..but i THINK as since u are not American , ur socialist ,political preference really has no "irrelevance" political wise in America..just being "social" is a personality trait, so I guess in that aspect..i am a socialist too..:)
  • Lots of famous people were socialists. *Since the average American reject has no clue what that even means... Im sure no one will object.
  • I definitely wouldn't. I still have hope for democracy making a crazy comeback and our society becoming strong again, but if I didn't I probably would be looking into heading towards Sweden. I really like their setup.
  • F socilialized medicine, F socialized corporations. Yay to capitalism, even though America is turning socialist one trudge at a time, but we will always be capatilalist at core. I do not think less of you, as long as you understand fully what socialism involves, especially in the medical field. If all medicine was socialized there would be NO R&D for new drugs that have saved millions of lives.
  • Well, I am a socialist, so I tend to like them. :)
  • No, I don't think less of you. But from what you've said in response to the answers here, you're not a socialist, you're a Social Democrat. The term โ€œsocialistโ€ gets thrown around a lot here in the United States and itโ€™s often used as an umbrella term that includes a lot of things that donโ€™t necessarily go along with that label. For many of my fellow Americans the word โ€œsocialistโ€ is associated with politically repressive governments (like the old USSR) that are characterized by a centrally planned economy, and restrictions on speech, political expression, and other forms of individual freedom. The fact that the Nazis in Germany called themselves National Socialists adds further confusion. In addition, the confusion is increased by people who say they live in socialist countries, when in fact they donโ€™t. Denmark is not a socialist state. Salty Light, in another answer here, quoted the definition of โ€œsocialism.โ€ American Heritage Dictionary: โ€œAny of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. โ€œ I know youโ€™re going to tell me that that is a communist economy, like the old USSR. But despite the fact that they were ruled for a long time by the Communist Party, none of the political leaders in the old USSR would have claimed they were a communist country. Thatโ€™s why the second โ€œSโ€ stands for socialist, not communist. In Marxist theory, communism was a utopian society that would be the end result of socialism. Lenin and Stalin and Mao decided they could hurry the process along by imposing socialism from above, using political repression to enforce it, and tacking enforced atheism onto the scheme to reduce the influence of the church. This is not the system you have in Denmark. You live in a basically capitalist country with a strong, cradle-to-grave comprehensive social welfare system, and Denmarkโ€™s political and business culture is more comfortable with collective action that the U.S., but itโ€™s not a socialist economy because itโ€™s characterized primarily by private sector investment decisions. There actually is no fundamental difference between the American and Danish economic systems. There are important differences, of course, but none that are truly fundamental. Each of them just reflects a different comfort level in the use of government regulation and social welfare policies to keep things running, and to compensate for the disparities that a purely capitalist system would produce.
  • If we all agreed it would be a boring world would it not?
  • NO I dont think less of you I just don't understand why someone would want the government to have that much control over them and their stuff I Mean I dont see how it would be appealing except to people who like in our country who sit around all day get pregnant have babies dont pay rent or bills are irresponsible and unmotivated and live off the hard working peoples tax dollars.
  • Socialism is cool. But it should not curb opportunities. Man always wanted to move on.
  • Cant we all get along???
  • no problem. though i don't believe pure socialism, marxism or communism can work due to innate human greed and selfishness i think a degree of socialism is much needed in government. besides, my gramps was a die hard socialist from denmark. he was one of the most gentle, loving, caring, intelligent men i have ever known.
  • No GreenFreak, it makes me happy to know that your'e a socialist. The more people that are willing to challenge a system based on private profit and exploitation the better. For the future of humanity and the planet as a whole it is vital that society is run on the basis of human need and not for bankers, rich shareholders and company directors. Good on you :)
  • yes i think much much less of you.

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