• Murderers and child molesters.
  • Tough call between child molesters and rapists. HIOOPs :(
  • Murderers, rapists and peadophiles
  • IRS collection agents and auditors.
  • The ones who have no conscience.
  • pedophiles
  • Pedophiles, rapists, and murderers, (with pedophiles barely edging out the others)! I also have a MAJOR problem with anyone who would use a firearm in the commission of a crime! It is one of the most HELPLESS feelings you will ever have, to be looking down the barrel of a rifle or pistol, knowing that one little slip could result in your head being blown off! I also believe that "parole" should only be offered on 1st offenses. If the criminal is stupid enuff to break the law again, he/she should have to serve full sentences, from there on out.
  • pedophiles child molesters,rapists and murderers seem to have brought the most answers here. i say people who have committed other crimes robbery,etc should be behind bars. pedophiles and the like should be placed in unmarked graves in plain pine boxes.
  • Child molestors, so I dont go to prison for murdering them,... Hi Cyndi, good night!
  • Any one that abuses other people.
  • The white collard ones that have ruined our economy. And anyone you abuses children, spouses or the elderly in any way.
  • PPL that abuse children, the elderly and animals
  • White collar criminals who cost this country much more than street crime.
  • Telemarketers.
  • I'll let my avatar speak for me. ;) I don't know whether this level of criminal exists, but if it does then I'd say any serial child murderer that hasn't been caught yet. I just heard about some aholes who've posted seizure-trigger links at an epilepsy help site. They''re the latest arrivals at Bri's virtual penitentiary.
  • Anyone who physically harms another person.
  • drunk drivers. Serial killers and pedophiles have some messed up switch in their heads. The average drunk driver knows what they are doing, they just don't care.
  • all of them except the ones locked up for marijuana related charges. its such a waste of tax payers money to lock up someone who got caught with an eighth of weed. over 30% of the people in jail/prison are locked up because of marijuana related charges. 90% of that 30 aren't even facing serious charges. think about how much space that occupies in your county/state jail/prison. now think of all the people who need to be behind bars but are still on the street because they cant find room for the new inmates.
  • pedophiles and people who disrespect nature and the environment. Excessive pollution should be made illegal
  • Serial killers and pedophiles
  • As the mother of a young baby, I have to say baby snatchers/killers, child rapists/murderers, and drunk drivers.
  • Anyone that hurts/abuses/takes advantage of someone that cannot defend themselves (mainly children, but also people like seniors *not saying all seniors can't defend themselves but you know what I mean* and the disabled) I've heard that child rapists/molesters get the sh*t beat out of them in prison by other cell mates because to them as well it's the worst crime; preying on someone who can't fight back and/or doesn't understand it.
  • Child abusers, whether it be parents, siblings, pedophiles, whatever. Lock 'em up and throw away the key! Happy Thursday! :) ((hugs))
  • All violent offenders ... as soon as guilt is confirmed ...
  • Only the Guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  • ALL Guilty criminals, but especially those that rape babies.
  • Only the ones who have actually done something wrong.In my opinion there are too many people behind bars who have done nothing wrong. There are laws that need to be repealed,by that I mean victimless crimes. The war on drugs is an obvious failure,prostitution is another one. If both parties who are allegedly accused of committing a crime are consenting adults and there is no harm done to anyone else or to their property it should not be punishable by law.
  • Rapist and pedophiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • First, I want to make sure they are guilty. There's nothing worse than having innocent people locked up because of greedy prosecutors. Next, I want to make sure child abusers (sexual and otherwise) are locked up. Next, I want to make sure people who've raped, or abused women, or old people, are locked up. Next I want to make sure people like the ones in charge at ENRON are locked up. Then murderers, aggravated assaults/robbers, etc.... It is very important though, for the one's whom have raped and/or sexually abused children and women, that they not just get locked up and throw away the key... They need help. Prison is not the answer. Sure, a term in prison might be a wake up call, but it does nothing to address the underlying problem, and the justice system should be torn apart and redone for letting these people just rot in jail without giving them help for their problem, and then letting them back out again to do more harm which is often the case.
  • Paedophiles primarily since we all know that murderers deserve to do their time. I want to see rapists and men who batter their spouses get locked up too.
  • the bad violent and the bad non violent criminals. not the ones who were just trying to have some fun in a no fun zone.
  • All the ones within a 50 mile radius of me.
  • The Guilty ones. Espicaly the ones who are intelligent.
  • Corporate criminals that prey on society for personal gain without the considerations on what they are doing through fraud,and other means.They should spend much time in prison for they affect the lives negatively of a great majority of people,and creates much more devastation than a common criminal.They ruin ones financial live and dash the dreams of many people.
  • Murderers and rapists, but NOT people arrested with marijuana charges.
  • child mostesters
  • Without doubt peadophiles are the worst. Behind bars is too kind for them. Also men that beat up on women, anyone who harms a parent, especially a mother. Anyone who physically imposes themselves on a weaker person.
  • Rapists and Child molestors of course. come on people !!! you can buy sex! 50 dollards aint expensive!! sometimes even cheaper. don't screw somebody else's body. its some people's job to make your wishes come true. THINK!
  • Child molesters/killers. Behind bars for life with their castrated, mummified balls permanently hanging as a pendant from their necks.
  • I think rapists... but only if they really really did it - there are too many innocent people in prison as it is, sex crimes are, however, sadly often the most difficult to solve.
  • The kind that hurt people and have no empathy for others.
  • child molesters
  • Child molester.
  • Murder.
  • shoplifters
  • I am against crime in all its forms, but I favor rehabilitation as opposed to punishment. Yes, a criminal should be punished, but if we ignore rehabilitation they will never learn and will be so infuriated they will continue to do wrong again and again.
  • I am too, against crime in all forms. Especially rapists, sex offenders, thieves, armed robbers, serial killers, pedophiles, etc., because those can be the most harmful when it comes to gunpoint. Non-violent criminals shouldn't be housed in the same prison as violent criminals, but they should be house arrested, unlike the ones I listed above.
  • Repeat offenders. Whether it is assault or robbery, the ones who get out of jail and repeat their crimes need to stay locked away. I'm all for reform, but those who do not reform nor change their ways are the most destructive on society. When the same handful of people can be blamed for most of the crime, it is simple math that locking them away will reduce crime significantly.
  • Child molestors because they have to be the sickest of the sick!!
  • Corrupt politicians, law enforcement officers who do not do their job or break the law themselves, and anyone who harms another.
  • anyone who hurt a child....physically, verbally, emotionally
  • guilty ones
  • murders rapists and sexual predators. people who murder children

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