This isn't Myspace. No one cares what you look like, and your answers and questions shouldn't depend on that either. I think you need to get over yourself.
nicole drye
that's not why they are asking and honestly youre a dick -
nicole drye
or cunt depending on how you identify your gender
No not at all you are pretty, but i think the people on yahoo answers are.
You don't look ugly at all. kind of pretty actually.
this is me
You look fine to me, what the problem be yo?... (Tell 'em Ec said ''You're hot yo...'' :)
Meh, sometimes people are just jerks.....Unless of course you asked them to ignore you and call you ugly. Then I think they were totally justified. =P
im not going to boost your ego.
nicole drye
your a dick
You look fine to me. Are they really like that on Yahoo answers? I haven't seen that here.
Welcome to answerbag! 1) On the pictures you posted here, one can clearly see that you are absolutely not ugly. But your avatar image on Answebag and on Yahoo!Answer could eventually give a bad impression (too much make-up / shadow). 2) This is one of the answers that you got to a similar question on Yahoo!Answers: "I looked at your profile, and the only other questions you've asked are about how you can improve the sex with your boyfriend. So people are criticizing you because you posted the most obnoxious question ever THREE TIMES. And they all think you're a whore, so they criticized your face. That's just human nature." Source and further information:;_ylt=Av.zYe90oxMmGZsFyBj5oTn54gt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080430000427AADmaRe&show=7#profile-info-SDYLstpfaa I think this is the best explanation for what has been happening to you. 3) I noticed that you just did about the same on Answerbag: this is just your third question, the other two were actually a duplicate about improving your sex life. Those are classified (or have been reclassified) in AB4Adults, so many people will ignore them. If I were in your place, I would avoid to use a lot of "txt" abbreviations in your questions, you would get better accepted. (ppl, n, pls, ppls, ppl, pls)
Your pretty in outward appearance. But what are you like as a person. Do you laugh a lot? Do you smile? Do you have a positive attitude and outlook? How do you dress normally? How do you treat other people? Do you curse a lot? Are you polite or rude to other people especially people different and etc than you? Outward physical appearance is a significant part to being "pretty". However, it is true, there are a lot of other factors that can turn a pretty girl into an untouchable! -A man
well, you're the farthest thing from ugly i could think of
Welcome to Answerbag (AB). Y!A is a gross, nasty place filled with the cockroaches of the internet. I am glad to be able to welcome another survivor to our little homestead. I don't think you are ugly at all. Forget those Y!A-holes. And I have been digging your answers as well.
not at all
This sounds kind of like you just want an ego boost, but, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I know how many aholes are on Yahoo Answers. You look very pretty to me.
Ur not ugly at all your very pretty
Are you Jodie Marsh?
Thats all good and well, and welcome to AB. However, I will remind you that this is NOT a text message!!! Some abreviations are widely acceptable, such as "Lol" or using keys to make faces. But, abreviating every other word is a swift way to earn some solid negative ratings. Once again, welcome! Hope this answer helps!
Is what other people think of your looks really that important??
My 20/20 says you look fine to me. Keep in mind people are stupid
YA is full of immature, juvenile trolls that go out of their way to make people feel bad. Don't believe them.
your picture on Yahoo from the link that was show isn't very flattering. Sorry they have to be mean about it.
your welcome mama
You look great, Kierafaye! Now, whether or not this is a question that calls for an ego stroke is out of the question. So what? If I did stroke your ego, would that cost me anything? No! However, I'm not stroking your ego. I'm sorry that you've encountered unnecessary negativity here, Kierafaye. But, welcome to AB! Most people here DO CARE. Forget the asses, they just feel bad because they aren't as pretty as you are :):):)
You arent ugly, pay no mind to people who choose to project negativity your way. :)
-'re a little cutie-pie
just to let the people who are really bothered know I really dont abbreviate and i only had to cause i was super new here and I couldnt fit the whole question thats why i abbreviated ppl and pls
HI, welcome to AB. Just read through some of the answers you got and will chime in as well. AB is a different type of social site with more emphasis on content. There are older people who don't get the txt abrv thg & will dwnr8 U 4 it. There is fun to be had and it can become addictive. If you get too hung up on yourself you will get called on it. The top complaints are bad spelling and intolerance to others lifestyles. If you want to talk about sex, go to AB4Adults. On this side, cruse around, answer questions, give points, comment if you want to, think up and ask original questions (notice when you do they show you if similar questions have already been asked.) and watch your points go up! As far as your question, I think you are very attractive. Have a great day
Keria...I think you look just fine... YOu really shouldn't put much emphasis on what cowards behind computer screens say. ps what part of the bay area are you from...I lived in Castro Valley when I was young
Hi im from london ,england and believe me you are an absolute babe.
Yahoo Answers is the most abused Q/A site in the world. Just leave and never come back. We'll accept you with open arms here and make you feel loved. Here's a big hug for you (((((((( HHHHHUUUUUGGGG ))))))))
you are not ugly infact you look quite pretty
Yahoo Answers is the website were these dipsticks go around asking how many cans of tuna they need to eat to kill their unborn baby...come on. Ditch the dweebs and stick with AB. Yes, we get the occaisonal nutcase asking questions, but overall, I haven't seen anything offensive or rude on this website. (A few trolls here & there, thats all)
Damn girl... You are nowhere NEAR what I would even call "unattractive!" Maybe a bit "goth" for me (very dark eye makeup), but... Do NOT believe everything everyone tells you on the internet, in emails, or even in person, unless it's all good. And DEFINITELY DO NOT believe that you are ugly in any way, physically. I haven't reviewed any of your questions or answers, but I'd be willing to bet they aren't ugly either! (Take this from a "dirty old man" who has liked looking at pretty young (not THAT young, you understand) women for YEARS! LOL) (Why on why do young girls and women these days think they're ugly if even ONE person says so? GEEZE!)
Wow, you have really baited the hook here for your fishing expedition. Actually I do agree with you, it is a shallow, "vain" question.
First of all welcome to AB and as for your question just ignore the losers. You are not a bad looking girl at all they are just jealous so don't sweat it.
You're not ugly. Yahoo is overrun by stupid trolls and children.
You're gorgeous gal!!!!
hey u doin beautiful? trust me...u dnt look ugly at all...u shud never get botherd bout such people who pass such opinions...n is actually a better QnA site where u only have sensible people answerin ur queries......have a nice day!!!!!!!!
I dont think you're ugly. You look pretty to me. Prolly someone on yahell answers is jealous of you.
You are not ugly ;) those ppl are ignorant, you should ignore them, block them, report them. Who are they? Noone.
I think you're pretty, but really, who cares? These kinds of Q & A forums are more about what you think and what is in your mind than what you look like. I think your personality and point of view are far more important.
maybe people were bored by your obsession with Richie
Screw Yahoo!Answers. That site is the worst place for information.
thats stupid. ur NOT ugly, i guess if people don't like ur questions, they act dumb. it doesn't even matter what you look like on the internet.
Number one you`re not ugly, if you need reassuring. And your questions and answers are very funny to me, I more often than not crack up laughing at them. They are very frank and to the point, no beating around the bush.
Kierafaye, im so sorry, i really didnt mean to upset you, okay? This comment was genuine, i personally rather admire the girl, shes a successful business woman, a millionairess, and has a huge following of fans, she also Chairs a society for the stopping of bullying at schools. Once again, no rudeness intended, at all, i sincerely hope you accept my apology
You're way too into yourself and thats not cute . BTW I happen to be the queen of Polls and Surveys on Y!A .....yeah , we're everywhere !
WOW, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!! Can you tell me what kind of hairstyle you have? is that a bunch of layers, and short bangs? The one with the black hair picture. By the way your pretty, people insult others because they feel insecure about themselves and they have no life what so ever.
your not ugly ^_^ you shouldnt have to ask
aww you're gorgeous :)
I think people who say unkind things to others have self esteem problems themselves, so I would just learn to ignore them. They're probably just jealous.
Answerbag is worse than Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is more fun than AB. With AB you encounter a lot of problems and a lot of offensive comments.
No, you're very pretty. I saw your pics. Alot of people on Yahoo Answers are very immature sometimes..
Your pretty, but you have too much black eye makeup on in pic, less is more, it lets your natural beauty show thru. But most important, is not the outside, but the beauty that comes from inside that is going to make you go far in life, beauty fades, but a good heart is forever.
By the look of your photo I think you know the answer. Quit fishing for compliments.
Makes no difference what you look like if you have inner beauty. No matter where you go there will always be someone that will see it. There the ones that are really worth your time.
yahoo answers is a pretty ugly place...I just stay away from there...It is run by trolls and 12 year olds....
Welcome to AB, we are happy to have you.
you're beautiful
Hey you can see she is at the age where she is still trying to figure out if she even likes herself and looks. Time will take care of that.
You don't look ugly at my oppinion you're beautiful.
Every part of Yahoo is run by Stupid, Burned out, uneducated, Immature, illiterate Turd squeezing morons.
OK. I saw your pictures. I'd be quite happy to discuss your level of attractiveness over a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, or possibly two. In the absence of any closer study, you look ok to me. Ugly wouldn't cross my mind.
Not really ugly. Normal, just like everyone else.
I think you hot
Looking at the photo in your avatar, I would never call you ugly. From what I've heard, the Yahoo Answers community is loaded with hateful losers.
You would be pretty if you demonstrated depth and substance to your actual being.
Honestly, Id give you a about a cali 6 here in florida 7. You look good but probably have too much makeup most of the time and that Kelly Clarkson fraggle hair do aint kickin it but your solid overall.
Stop fishing for compliments. Life's too short for the game you're playing and it won't help you to develop anything like a healthy self image either. It might work on a lot of guys, but eventually it'll bite you in the arse when you have to deal with people who aren't impressed by this sort of thing.
You're hot enough to have sex with, but you won't get called the next day if you act like this. So yeah, you'd make a nice orgy doll for guys who think that anger is a type of lubrication.
No i dont think ur ugly people just probally say that cuz they're jealous.
i cant quite see your picture very well but i think you look attractive i think people are just being arrogant
No you are not but asking stupid people a question usually leads to frustration and believe me Yahoo Answers is the perfect spot for that.
They're blind.
First of all, it happened in Yahoo and that sort of behavior is normal there. I wouldn't worry about what they say. Be yourself, ask and answer questions to the best of your ability. You will never be able to please everyone so it's best to not even try. I saw your pics and you are not ugly. You are an attractive young lady and don't let anyone make you think any different.
i think from your pic you are beautiful maybe you should not ask questions there if you are not happy in the environment yahoo is providing.
You look pretty hot in the pictures, although these type of questions sometimes piss people off here.
Look up the word 'Yahoo' sometime. It explains a LOT about that bunch. FYI they said the same thing to me. As if it mattered! LOL
I'd give you one anyway. But I think you asked this question because you were fishing for compliments rather than actually thinking you were ugly because you're clearly not
You look fine. :S Welcome to le bag.
Insecurity is never pretty. Since this is a year old, I'm sure you're over it by now. And I think you're very pretty, just to answer the question.
Hey TManiac- this is what you spend your time on? conversing w/ these 2 and a million other non-vowel using girls? I see why you stopped hanging w/ me....
better watch out i see the reporters from Yahoo here. No you are OK>
seriously, how old (er young) are you? Are you old enough to be on answerbag?
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