Check myself into the nearest Psychiatric Hospital.
you don't hate the person' you hate there ways' an god would'nt do that'
I'd ask him why he's hiding his candle under a bush.
I would probably ask Jesus for forgiveness. And tell him that I will try not to hate! :P
get pregnant. have jesus's child. be forever famous.
That revelation would be more than just mere coincidence. It would not surprise me.
I would probably shit myself. That would be alot to handle. I would ask for forgiveness too.
I'd kick his ass I dunno why I keep answeringthese kind of questions all I do is get christians sending me hate somments and down scoring's a tough world for athiests
I would ask him why I hated him.
I would know that this person was actually the Anti-Christ trying to deceive me.
Pass out
How many of us need Christ to put on a disguise to act hateful toward Him? Hate, like love is a way of treating people not a random emotion. I would argue that we all have hated Christ "in disguise," at one point in our lives. "What ever you do to the least of my people..."
I would say "Jesus Christ! I hardly knew ye"
"No shit? You really did come back. Sorry about all those names I called you, up until RIGHT THIS SECOND I didn't think you existed. So you really ARE black! That's awesome. Boy, do I have some updates for you! Okay, this time around, we don't let any jews know you're here, just to be safe. Make sure all your miracles are well recorded, televised live would be preferable. Let's set up a better screening process for your new apostles this time shall we?"
Go to a doctor. Jesus is fake.
G'day Jae Tao, Thank you for your question, Make friends pronto. If Jesus is back on earth, the second coming can't be far away. Regards
I'd just say if he didn't hog up the booze so much, we coulda been better friends. ;)
Thats just all the more reason we need to try and forgive and love everyone. Because you never know.
I'd tell his father to either pay for the damage his son did to my car or give me and my wife self-revocable immortality. ;)
First of all, I'd feel ashamed. Then I would ask him to forgive me and he would, because Jesus loves me.
I would read binary's answer again and try to figure out what exactly he is trying to say, or not to say.
Id tell him no matter who you are touch my ass again, ill break your jaw. The person i hate always sexually harrasses me and ive called the cops on him.
Seek a mental health professional.
Wake up.
I'd be safe..I don't hate :)
I don't hate anyone so I'm not worried about it.
Is this a trick question?
Be wondering what the hell it is I was smoking. Then address him; so what are you gonna do about it, stick me in a whale or something?
I'd wave to him, so I could see if his hand made a whistling sound when he wwaved back.
I don't care. I'd still tell him that if his mutt crapped one more time on my lawn it'll be wearing my steel toed boot up it's poop chute.
Sober up.
well, is it possible to hate Jesus ?
Whoa, interesting question...points to you... To answer it, is a difficult. The Jesus I know from scripture never did anything that I would dislike in a person. I honestly don't "hate" anyone. There are people I'd rather not hang out with - but those are people who wear masks. They preport to be better than everyone else. Jesus only grew angry at religous leaders who did this or at people who tried to make money off of the temple. Jesus healed the sick, and helped people (a prostitute comes to mind - the woman by the well) get out of their sin. Yet he never raised his voice or yelled at them. He had empathy for them. That's the Jesus I know and love. So to answer your question, if I were one of those religious leaders who looked down their nose at people (I've dealt with quite a few), then I'd immediately repent and ask for forgiveness. I hope that answers your question? But sincerely, I do not believe that I'd dislike the Jesus that I follow. Peace. S
I'd have to be blind to believe that lie. lol
I would say "Die! Die for my sins! Now!"
nothing i could do except try not to hate him
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