My life is boring right now.
My life if pretty empty now. That's an emotional summary of how I am lately I guess... my life? Impossible. Unless someone lives under a rock they have stories that can't be summarized in a word.
"You've got to be kidding me" More and more examples of Murphys law seem to pop up after the famous last words keep on being uttered. "Cant get much worse can it?" Its a curse. LOL
I've enjoyed each day of it.
Jenny_RizzoIt's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.
Difficult yet rewarding, painful but pleasurable.
A nonstop series of bewildering events.
Life on the farm is good.
I strive toward the best me!
Not what I planned, its better.
I am a very lucky man.
"lead like a calvary charge" only five words and taken from a quote by T. Roosevelt
It's more than I hoped for.
randomness in the adventures of existence
Young & successful, its that simple!
Did I just miss Sixty B?
Hey look, it's that one girl!
Surely not changing for the better.
No, I cannot such a thing.
I am doing well thank you.
I live very happy and organized.
I'm a stay at home mom.
i could but i will not.
if only she stayed with me. . or it was good while it lasted how happy am i. . . sorry for the depressing comment lol
Dude, it is still on going.
Happy, wonderful and filled with love. :D
Wherever I go, blood greatly flows! j/k I don't think so.
My life is lively and exultant. :)
my life is full of drama
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