• is there a difference? just kidding full blown cult
  • That really depends on where you draw the line between the two. In my opinion, scientology is just as just as acceptable and rational a religion as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Catholocism... Or any of the other "Big" religions. It's just another way of believing, and all things being equally subjective (especially in matters of faith), if scientology is a cult, then so is every other religion on the face of the planet, because there is no firm, objective, unbiased way to differentiate it from any of the other Cults/Religions out there.
  • I think it is hardly any of the two, I would rather call it fraud.
  • Here is some info on Scientology:
  • Oh it's a cult, without a doubt. I keep waiting to hear on the news that Tom Cruise has been found dead in his home after ingesting a suspicious beverage with a couple of his Scientologist buddies. It's ridiculous.
  • Its a cult but its also Occult, which makes it very dangerous!
  • An organization.I don't buy into frivolous buzz words such as cult or religion.
  • Definition of "cult" from what is known as a "secular opposition" standpoint: "A cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control (e.g. isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, suspension of individuality or critical judgment, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of [consequences of] leaving it, etc) designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community." (Louis Jolyon West, Judging by these criteria, I say that Scientology is indeed a cult. Under other criteria, it may no longer be considered one, but I think secular opposition criteria are the ones most people use when judging whether or not something is a cult these days and I think that description certainly fits the Church of Scientology.
  • It fits the criteria for a cult. It it actually rather frightening.
  • 100% cult.
  • Cult / Scam I had an "easily-impressionable" acquaintance who joined the Scientology movement years ago, and it resulted in a massive debt. They would say, "Hey you can go on our Scientology cruise for free--you just need to wash dishes in the kitchen." A month later, he was billed a few thousand dollars for this cruise. He accrued more and more debt to them as this type of thing continued. It was so obviously a scam, but he was still buying it, even after they MADE THREATS (I can't remember if by phone or mail), as he had a hard time repaying his debt. There's also a documentary out there, I can't remember what it was called, but a guy who wasn't into the movement was making this film about Scientology and trying to interview them, and HE GOT THREATS from the organization's leader's son, right there on camera. The film-maker was asking valid questions, not harassing in any way. The Scientologists started stalking him and threatening him, just for trying to make a REAL, HONEST film about the movement. And isn't their belief system about us all having come from space pods some hundreds of years ago, or something like that? I know the Scientologists are going to break my legs now, but I still have to say that they're really one of the worst scam-organizations out there.
  • A clever money making scheme. Count me in!
  • It's as much a religion as any other. Every religion has money making schemes in order to make itself bigger, so that doesn't really make it any worse than any other religion. It doesn't seem to be inciting wars or terrorist activity or torture or witch burnings, so I think it's safe to say it's a relatively good religion too.
  • To me...neither..
  • All religions are, by definition, cults. Main Entry: cult Pronunciation: ˈkÉ™lt Function: noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate — more at wheel Date: 1617 1: formal religious veneration : worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents 4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults> 5 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion Their theology makes no more or less sense than the theology of any major organized religion.
  • Cult for sure.
  • Though it leans more toward a cult, it is actually closer in design to a pyramid scam.
  • Cult ! :P
  • I see it as a cult. Religions usually have some deity(ies) involved.
  • Definitely a cult.
  • It's like a giant chain letter... sooo cult.
  • to be honest, i see little difference between cults or religions. they both require a person to believe in the organizations dogma to be a member, those that do not believe in "church"(for lack of a better word) dogma are deemed unworthy and relegated to some sort of punishment by their higher power.
  • scientology is a cult because you absolutely have to give money all the time to be a part of it, as apposed to religions in which you just believe something instead of paying for it.spiritual beliefs should be free and cost no money but scientology is a sci-fi cult.
  • I am no expert on religion, but based on the things I've read about it, I consider it to definitely be a cult.
  • No god no religion, in fact it's completly opposite of a religion because it try's to say there is no god...much closer to a cult of mad people...
  • There are several recognized religions that don't focus on a central deity, and it's hardly fair to judge one religion against any other to determine its legitimacy. However, from an outsider's point of view, considering the "closed-door" nature of the organization and some of the history surrounding its creator, I would lean more toward cult than religion.
  • I see most religions as cult- like.
  • Neither. Scientology should be considered a "school." Namely, a school where one pays to learn how to achieve a desired level of self awareness, enlightment, and/or happiness. Scientology does not teach bad things, it lets you believe in whatever God you choose to believe in. It's final goal is to try and make you into a better person.
  • Its a damn cult. theres no question. when did believing in something require your checkbook?
  • Its a damn cult. When did believing in something require your checkbook?its all becoming to much about money
  • Neither, it's a business scam
  • Scientology is no different than any other religion.
  • Scientology is supposed to be a religion based on a very sound philosophy of life. It has been around for over half a century. But it has not made much headway in making a good proportion of the people subscribing to its religious outlook and prescriptions. So in the absence of widespread acceptance Scientology can be given only a cult status. Particularly so because those who are members of Scientology Churches are totally devoted to it.
  • It is a cult for the dupes that believe in it. It is a worldwide criminal scam for the ones that control it. A former Scientologist tells his story: The Story: Another former Scientologist with links to her site: Kids who grew up in Scientology and now speak out: Arnie Lerma, Early Scientologist: Gerry Armstrong, Former Scientologist Co$ vs. Gerry Armstrong Gerry Armstrong Site More unethical and illegal Scientology activities: Scientology Agents, including LR Hubbard's wife, break into Federal offices in Wahsington, DC., get caught and do time, afterwhich the "church" gets tax exemption: More Scientology Shit Deep Sixed Long Ago: Scientology Murders: 1Suppressive Person Order, aka SP Declare (Co$ Internal Documents): An Actual SP Declare: 2Co$ Fair Game Policy (Co$ Internal Documents) Fair Game Related: The Purpose of a Lawsuit (Co$ Internal Documents) Co$ Fair Game in Wikipedia Fair Gamed: Wollersheim, Anderson and Armstrong: Michael Flynn gets Fair Gamed Paulette Cooper gets Fair Gamed Lawrence Wollersheim gets Fair Gamed 3Sea Organization (Sea Org) 4Flag Land Base, Clearwater 5PAC (Pacific Area Command) Base, Los Angeles 6Gold Base 7Rehabilitation Project Force Children’s RPF An Ex-Scientologist Message Board: Anonymous can’t think all this shit up, folks! Office of Special Affairs (OSA): Film Footage: 1. The Un-funny Truth about Scientology 2. Co$ Core Beliefs (This is NOT a Joke): Short Version: Why Scientologists Can’t Talk About It: Former Scientologist Steven Fishman Talks About Scientology. Part I: Part II: Part III: Part IV: Part V: Part VI: Part VII: From A Mainstream News Source (The good stuff starts around marker 3:30): A Third Generation Scientologist Speaks Out: 3. Co$ Commandeers the Cult Awareness Network (CAN): 4. Anonymous Global Protests (Soundtrack is 404 due to copyright violation): 5. Investigative Reporter Gets Inside the Co$ (25 min.): One Result of the Co$ Recruiting Technique (The Co$ “Personality Test“): Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News Clip On Scientology, 1968: 6. Son of Co$ Founder Accuses Father of Fraud: Part I Part II The Global Fight Against the Church of Scientology: SUPPORT ANONYMOUS WHEREVER AND WHENEVER YOU CAN! )
  • The "Church of Scientology" (aka "CofS") is a cult. The actual underlying set of tenets and methods is viewed by some as a religion. One of the things this methodology is sometimes called is "applied religious philosophy". Not all Scientologists are in CofS.
  • A dangerous and litigious cult.
  • Silly science fiction.
  • Is a scam the same as a cult? If so, yes, it's a cult. If not, it's more of a cult.
  • In my honest opinion i would have to say it is most definitely a Cult.
  • &quot;Scientology" is the ology. It's the ideology, the methods, beliefs, etc. It isn't a group. The CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY is the group most people speak of when they speak of the cult. And it is a cult. It operates like a cult in many many ways. Cults and churches purvey religions but are not themselves religions. One can profess a creed or ideology apart from a cult or church.
  • Religions can't be cults. They can be PURVEYED by cults, but they are not cults. Cults are organizations, as are churches. Religions are belief systems. The church of Scientology is a cult. However, not everyone who practices Scientology is a member of the Church of Scientology.
  • I think that Scientology has enough followers and many other characteristics to be called religion.
  • Groups can be cults. Cults are always groups. Religions aren't groups- they are belief systems. So a religion cannot be a cult. It can be PURVEYED by a cult, it can have cultic beliefs, but it can't BE a cult. There is no organization or cult called Scientology. There is one, however, called The Church of Scientology. That one is a cult. There are offshoots and splinter groups that have a lot of freedom and are looseknit and are more the way Dianetics was in the 50s where it was just a grass roots thing. They are Scientology/Scientologists, too, and are not cultic. So Scientology is not a cult. The Church of Scientology IS a cult. Religions can be practiced in cults or can be practiced in mainstream churches. For that matter, some mainstream churches have cultic practices.
  • A religion is just a cult with more churches, and less humour.
  • All religions are cults

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