• In Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 it was revealed that the Parker's were assigned to infiltrate an Algerian based spy-ring controlled by a communist agent who took on the identity of the Red Skull. After the Skull learned of their true intentions, he had them killed by blowing up their plane. Peter first learned the truth about his parents after discovering some photos of his deceased parents, and asked his Aunt May the full story. At first, it was thought that the Parkers were traitors to their country, but Peter went to Algeria to find the truth. After defeating the Skull, he also learned that his parents were double agents. Peter found the necessary evidence to clear his parents, and not much was else was said about them until years later. At the end of Amazing Spider-Man #363, a couple with a striking resemblance to Peter's parents were introduced, and in Amazing Spider-Man #365 the family was "reunited". It was explained that Russian agents saved the Parkers just before the plane explode, and served time in various prisons before they were set free after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Everything went smoothly for a couple of years for the Parker "family", but of course, this is the Spider-Verse after all. Something was wrong. In Amazing Spider-Man #388, it was revealed that Peter's parents were artificial life constructs, an off-shoot of the same technology that allows the Chameleon to change appearances, with the help of bio-chips the size of body cells. The whole affair had to do with the Chameleon's plan to discover Spider-Man's true identity. In the end though, the Chameleon never got the truth out of the constructs before they were both destroyed. Peter eventually learned in Amazing Spider-Man #389, that it was the Green Goblin II (Harry Osborn) who was the mastermind behind the constructs, for payback on his belief that Spider-Man killed his father, the original Green Goblin.

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