Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
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wtf did you do that for?
Make sure you use the small enema tip on the hose, not the long douche nozzle. If you are using a bulb syringe, better get a bag-hose syringe.
Why would you want to douche your ass?
Are people as ignorant as they seem on here (Why would you want to douche your ass?)? What a dumb ass question! Gay men are not the only one's that want that clean fresh feeling that douching gives you. I guess many of you that ask this question don't know that stimulating a mans prostate can give him a better orgasimn than regular "vanilla" sex can. Oh, but I guess many people do not look or think outside the box or even bother to research what may make there male partner climax besides the obvious sexual acts. Read up people and stop being so damn closeminded and niave. I'd rather play with my partners ass that has been properly cleaned. Oh by the way, I am a straight women in my 30's that researches anything that will help me make my straight man climax...that's real love. chow...
There's this website that offers a male douching system, i recommend it. Good luck and good cleaning to you ^_^
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