It means goodbye.
hon he's dumping you :(
It means he's getting nervous and wants to take a break for awhile.
It could mean a lot of things depending on the situation. He could be overwhelmed and just need time alone.
It means he needs to be alone. He'll come back, just give him some time.
I've said this so many times in past relationships. My reasons were because I had other women on the side that I wanted to be with without having a guilty conscience. So saying those words were an easy way out.
Either he wants to break up but doesn't want to face you, or he feels trapped. I had a gf who thought if we were both awake, we either had to be together, whether in person or via text or IM. She wouldn't give me space, so I had to dump her.
Put him in a spaceship and say "good luck to you"!!
It could mean so many things, give him his space and wait for the results, it might be good or it might be bad, but for sure if you watch him like a hawk you will never know which because he will leave on that account.
It could mean he feels like his is being smothered or as the saying goes "He's Just Not That In to You"
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