No, I'd rather be left alone. It makes me uncomfortable :)
If anyone ever seriously or flippantly flirted with me I was oblivious to it. :)
Nice jugs 1
Hi on earth do you find people you know or communicate with others you know on here ? NJ....x -
Hi everybody~You don't, we are still in the first grade mode here! You just have to hunt till you find them. SUCKS Don't it? Dec. 02
No. It only means they don't have taste.
Of course I like it. As long as they are males. Good looking ones. ... Emmmm... why not?
I'm a big flirt myself :) So, yeah. It's great when people flirt back too!
When you can tell they're desperate no
Of course I like it, but they must be girls !!!
No, I rather be left alone. It would make me nervous.
I don't mind if they are single not that I am going to take them seriously but if they are married or in a relationship and do it it makes me angry because it shows a lack of respect for their partner.
I guess....if I'm in the mood for some attention.
just as friends it can be fun.
If I'm single I don't mind but because I'm taken, I'd rather they wouldn't, just because I get really uncomfortable. But I forgive them (only because there's no obvious signs that I'm taken if I go out alone)
I do like it, its an ego boost. I'm not going to lie...even though I am heterosexual I find it even more "egoboosting" when I get hit on by women. I don't know why. Normally the only attention I get from guys...besides my so are those rude "Cat-call"-esque type "flirting".
I like it. I think it's fun.
I do generally. It makes me feel attractive, and I like that. But I've been with my guy for awhile now, so it doesn't really matter anymore if other people flirt with me. I used to like it for the most part, but there were a lot of people that would do it a bajillion times with no flirtation back from me, so eventually I was just like "Alright. That's enough. Where are you going with this?" I've also been hit on by LOADS of dirty old men, and I am not down with that at all. When I was working at this outdoor restaruant last summer, a guy who had to be at least 70 would not leave me alone whenever his wife wasn't around. He'd say things about how young women should behave when touched sexually and whistled everytime I walked by or had to bend down to reach something. He even cornered me and sang to me. It was probably the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to me. haha I guess I might just be saying I like flirting, I don't like sexual harassment.
I find it flattering when it occurs, but a persistently flirtatious women make me uncomfortable. If she's attractive, it's frustrating 'cause I'll want to take it further than flirtation and I know it ain't gonna happen. (I'm married.) If she's unattractive, I'm annoyed 'cause I don't wanna be bothered. Sexist? Yeah, but it is what it is.
Yes, unless I am really attracted to them..then I get flustered and red in the face and am inclined to do stupid things. My hormones sorta jump into the driver's seat.
I don't really remember more than 1 or 2 guys flirting with me, other than Arisztid. I love him, and am so focused on that, that I tend not to notice others, except to point them out to him as being attractive.
I just get too nervous and find some way to bugger off. XD
I love it when people flirt with me and I love to flirt with them. It makes me feel attractive and sexy (ect.)....Plus I love the attention.
yeah but it does'nt happen much im normally the one doing the flirting
I'm going to have yes and no. You said people. I love it when a girl flirts with me. It's fun, sexy, etc. But if a guy flirts with me, it makes me uncomfortable. It has happened before and I was shocked and I couldn't think of what to say or what to do. All I could think was "Do I look gay?"
No, because i never believe them, i always assume there laughing at me.
No, because it never goes past that stage.
I never notice when it happens. I get told after the fact, then the guys at work laugh their butts off because I am so in my own world.
yeah! makes me feel pretty! ^_^
I love it when some people flirt with me. I also like to flirt back, but only when I mean it. The few drunks I've encountered are even fun if I don't take it seriously. And the ones that are just flirting because they want something from me only do it once. I've got a pretty sharp tongue when my BS meter starts ringing!
Flirting can be good because it boosts peoples confidence and make them feel better about themselves. the only time when you should be careful about flirting is when your in a relationship and the flirting is with an ex or close friends. xxx
It doesn't bother me too much, it kinda makes me laugh. But I must admit that it gets old at times.
It's digusting. I am married and don't appreciate being toyed with.
I like it if it's done in a playful, innocent way. If I feel like someone's just trying to get into my panties, I hate it.
If they aren't also flirting with everyone else. If they are also flirting with everyone else, it's cheap and boring.
I'm down with receiving flirting, as a bachelor it gives me the green light to put my game face on!! ;)
Oh I love it! It adds fuel to my fire (^-^)
yes i like it makes me feel good
Not always
It depends, if I like this person. i like flirt, but if I do not lke this person. i refuse to do it.
I'm married, encouraging people to flirt with me is dangerous to my relationship and their health. =) I usually just re-direct them in a nice way. But it does sometimes flatter me and gives me an ego boost.
sometimes but typically it makes me highly uncomfortable.
i generally like it.. i never flirt back. it's just nice to know that you're still attractive to other people, boosts the self esteem :)
It can be fun at times to at least know that people find me attractive. But when it's not welcomed or they are coming on too strong, I don't like it.
Yes, it's step one of a form of expressing human body language to communicate and exchange some personal feelings or hidden desires. It doesn't always lead to sex or harassment. If you wink at someone does it always mean "I want you!" It could just mean how ya 'doin? It's the conversations that are carried forward after that which makes a difference like asking for phone numbers or dates. Telling a girl she has a nice dress, shoes, legs etc does not always mean I've got the hots for ya either. Shoot, I think most of them would love to hear a compliment here and there!
I love it because it makes me feel like I'm actually worth something.
Of course- it's fun :D
Yeah, I really like to flirt. It's fun. Of course it depends on who it is too. For example, if my Mom tried to flirt with me, I would not be ok with that.
It depends... if the flirting is fun and feels like a compliment, I like it. As long as I don't feel objectified, it's fine.
Of course I do. It feeds my ego. Unless they are totally gross.
Who doesn't. i like it myself. How about you gorgeous. ?
depends on whose flirting.
Only if they're not being perverted at the same time. Then it's just disgusting. Other than that it makes me feel good about myself so yes.
It depends whose doing the flirting.
Yeah, that's what college is all about.
It amuses me but I am not one to give in. I already got me a woman!
Only if I like them,there is this nasty girl at work who flirts with me and it makes me feel really uncomfortable.
not all the time sometime it really makes my bf mad and he says things that he shouldnt.
yes and no. yes-because it shows that the person has some kind of attraction to you and that is good no-because if your are not attracted to the person it can be kind of akward and annoying
In some ways. I don't want for anyone to be misled so I try to slow some ladies down by turning down the flame. It's not that I think poorly of them, it's generally the opposite, but it's better if it doesn't get out of hand and feelings are hurt.
i'm sorry i'm being shallow..but if they aren't up to my physical standards i don't even look at them..but if they are..then wooooo flirt away lol
It's an ego booster.
It depends who is flirting with you..I flirt all the time..
I don't mind that much, but if the flirting goes overboard in my subconscious mind's opinion, oh gosh, no... I don't want to start becoming attracted to them or start worrying about what if that person actually has feelings for me and I don't requite, thus hurting them. I fall in crush and infatuation too easily for my liking.
sure, it;s fun and a compliment. too bad they don't
yeah but i dont realize what is happening until long after the fact
No. My heart is elsewhere.
Only if they're the kind of person I'd like the flirt with...
Yes. I love to flirt. It is all innocent fun and part of human nature as long as I know the rules and don't let one get carried away. Plus, flirting strokes the ego and makes me feel good. I don't considered flirting cheating and I don't do it all the time or in front of the s/o.
I'm clueless, don't even know what flirting is, if I'm flirting or if I'm being flirted to.
some times yes, you really need that compliment even its from the guy at the supermarket, but just a nice word not the whole flirting thing
It depends on the person. If I like them, or even if they're just a person who I've just met, then certainly! But I've been in situations where long-time friends have suddenly started flirting and showing an interest, and my immediate reaction is "Oh jeeze no, please don't have a crush on me, please don't ask me out, you're my friend and don't want to hurt your feelings by saying no." But if that's the case, I usually try and drop enough gentle (but pretty clear) hints that the attention isn't welcome. Same with a stranger who's creeping me out and whom I don't find attractive. If a girl doesn't like you flirting with her, she'll usually show it! The quality of the flirting is another important thing. If I've only just met a guy, and he's breathing on my neck and making dirty sex jokes while looking pointedly in my direction, I'm more likely to be irritated by it and leave the conversation entirely than anything else. Even if the guy is /really/ physically attractive, having them come on hot and heavy before they even know me is not welcome. Situation is important too. Like if some guy is coming on really strong while I'm trying to read? Or if they start hitting on me while my mom's standing a few feet away? Nuhuh. Please. Have more class than that.
Sure it makes life fun.
sure makes me feel actually wanted.
I love it! Well, when it is somebody that I am not repulsed by. It makes me more confident, which in turn, makes other people flirt with me which gives me even more confidence and so the cycle continues. It also helps me accept that it is possible that somebody might actually be attracted to me.
I do ONLY if she is a hottie or at least cute. Now if she is a beast then there is a problem and hell no, I don't like it.
does bumping feet together in class count, like more than 4 times, i don't think how many times it was would happen on coincidence =P and no it doesnt really bother me, sept when it goes a little to far, enough said...
I like it! It's fun to work your magic on someone. It's up to you and the other person how far it goes. I feel like I have swagger when I can charm a guy.
I love it. I love flirting back as well. However the guy has to be single.
Nothing wrong with it yo...
As with most things,it depends on who is doing it
If it's someone i would be interested in then yeah.
I am not sure I would recognise Internet flirting. I am pretty obtuse.
I have noticed that if I wear my wedding ring, I get flirted with literally twice as much compared to going bare fingered. Most of my friends say the same thing is true with them. What is up with that?
No. I don't like it. Its confusing. I also believe that flirting is used by people who are not man or woman enough to put their true feelings out there. So childish, especially if its not followed up by anything?
Yes i do. As it hardly ever happens its nice to caught off guard by someone.
Sure, as long as its not some creapy guy...
hell i don't mind if people flirt with me. i sometime think it's funny. because everybody does it different. you can tell a lot about someone from it. like if they had experience doing it, and other stuff. it's too long for my to type. but yeah i do.
Of course I do. I think flirting is fantastic as long as the flirtees or the flirters can handle it. A cheeky smile from someone can make your day. A comment from you can bring a smile to someone who was looking sad,
Yes. I is great for my ego, gives it a nice boost.
+5 Yes I really do. Like Bazza said if it is just a little flirt it makes both people feel better. I would not carry through with anymore because I am happily married
Not if the girl has no intentions of going further. I will only flirt with girls I intend to court, much like I will only make love to girls I intend to marry.
To a degree, though pure artifice it still is fun.
Not really. It annoys the crap out of me when people are leering all over me when I'm trying to do daily activities. Some people just wanna be left alone... Now if it's with my boyfriend then yeah I enjoy that.
I love to flirt. The harmless kind that's fun and easy to do. The simple pushing and laughing and joking kind. No one gets hurt or to involved. And it's just simple fun and makes you feel giddy, sexy and attractive. A helping of self confidence for everyone involved!
Flirting is GREAT! It's a compliment, it's another say of saying 'I see you and I like what I see.' And it doesn't have to be sexual! Flirting has a fun, carefree energy with it that can work almost anywhere. Just to be clear about what I mean here: if you do anything that is an obvious more from fun into sexual that is seduction, NOT flirting!
I try not to, but at times I end up doing it.
I am 61 years old and I nave never had one single woman flirt with me. Damn I must be ugly. LOL
Well it is flattering, but I always feel so awkward and shy and end up turning them off if I respond. They're like, what? Zombies? Ew, I'm leaving BYE. Then I'm all like, aaw. XD
Yes flirting is scientifically proven to be good for your health.
i don't understand what is the point of it if i never see that person ever again. If he is jst friendly and creates a friendly atomophere that's OK, but otherwise it just confuses me
I would prefer them to just be friendly to me. There have been too many weird instances when someone I considered a friend made the obvious switch from friendly to flirty, and it's just creepy. I value friendships over flirtships!
yeah i do confidence builder
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