• This is a quote from "Spiderman, The Ultimate Guide, p. 47" From the section of "The Sandman" ..."After turning his back on crime, the Sandman took a job with Silver Sable and worked alongside Spider-Man as a team! Then, when the Sandman was poisoned by a bite from Venom, he blamed Spider-Man for what happened and turned on the wall-crawler. But as his body fell apart, the Sandman repented and gave Spider-Man a final message to deliver to his mother."... So from what I gathered... The Sandman died from the bite he recieved from Venom. If anyone else can confirm what else has happened with this story I would be grateful, since the guide doesn't explain much more. I do know that in the new re-released series of Spider-Man (The one with the revamped story) I understand The Sandman is back and alive but I cannot confirm it.

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