me is to wear one of those gliding suits, and jump off the sears tower and glide into a little barge full of icecream(vanilla), with a flaming rim.
Go Skydiving!
i badly wanna dance...but not just any dance..i wanna do the dance from the movie Step-up2...i love ittttttt..but its hard and i know i can never do it...thats for sure
Run away from my life for a few days and shack up in a hotel room with someone hot getting drunk and stoned and whatever else. Then come back to reality.
Here I go.... Have a MINDBLOWING threesome !!!!! heh...I said it!
Go back to Chicago and geta gallon of Pcp , take over Florida, Ill call you, you can come and watch...
I so wish I could tell you but I still might do it & it's illegal so I can't write it, LOL
Well since I jumped out of a helicopter on a bungi rope. next I would like too jump from the edge of the atmosphere
How about SEX? Come June 2008, it will 5 years since I had one. Yeah, crazy stuff will happen if I ever get some nitty-gritty again. :)
Be a 'cat' burgular.
Play soccer naked.
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